Orientation session question

<p>Due to personal commitment, I can not decide which orientation session to attend until mid May. Will it be too late to register to one of the early orientation sessions in June? Thanks.</p>

<p>I think I heard somewhere that it doesn’t matter which orientation you attend, you still have the same chances of registering for the classes you want, I think they give a certain number of spots per class to each orientation, so the earlier orientation doesn’t have an advantage.</p>

<p>I could have imagined someone saying this, but it does make sense… I’m sure somewhere in the other threads someone asked the same and they answered him/her</p>

<p>Poncem is correct. You don’t have to go to the June orientations. Any are OK, and will offer the same opportunities.</p>

<p>The website says that the sessions fill up rather quickly, so I can’t tell you how soon you’d need to register, BUT if you end up having to attend the later sessions…poncem and lanimer are right. I would imagine signing up about 3 weeks before the first session would get you a spot, but again I can’t be sure. Good luck!</p>