
<p>Hi, i am an OOS-er from NY going to UCSD in the fall. I keep hearing about this so called ‘mandatory orientation’ in June. What exactly is this orientation for? And is it possible for me not to attend it and do whatever is needed online. B/C airfare is quite expensive these days to just go fly out for a few days and back. I would do it if completely necessary, just wondering if there is any way around it.</p>

<p>Depending on which college you are admitted to you either register for classes, etc. during your orientation or do it remotely via the net. You could wait till September to do your orientation -- the risk is you may not get the classes you want, etc. Call your college to get more information since you can't register for orientation until after mid-May.</p>

<p>My question is, why would we not get the classes that we want if we are allowed to get them via internet?</p>

<p>If you do your orientation in September (and register for classes at that time) some classes may already have been filled, the time slot you wanted may not be available, etc. I believe one college just does orientation and does not guide you/walk you thru a registration of classes but does give you enough info. to do your own registration online. So, it depends on which college you are admitted. In any case, call them.</p>

<p>I am not sure who to contact. What number should I call? I'm in Revelle. Thanks</p>

<p>Contact the academic advising/admissions office of these colleges:</p>

<p>Muir: <a href="http://provost.ucsd.edu/muir/contact.htm%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://provost.ucsd.edu/muir/contact.htm&lt;/a>
Marshall: <a href="http://provost.ucsd.edu/marshall/contact/index.shtml%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://provost.ucsd.edu/marshall/contact/index.shtml&lt;/a>
Revelle: <a href="http://revelle.ucsd.edu/contact/index.html%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://revelle.ucsd.edu/contact/index.html&lt;/a>
Roosevelt: <a href="http://provost.ucsd.edu/roosevelt/contacting_erc/%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://provost.ucsd.edu/roosevelt/contacting_erc/&lt;/a>
Warren: <a href="http://provost.ucsd.edu/warren/aboutwarren/college_directory.php%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://provost.ucsd.edu/warren/aboutwarren/college_directory.php&lt;/a>
Sixth: <a href="http://sixth.ucsd.edu/index.php@option=com_content&task=view&id=976&Itemid=53.html%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://sixth.ucsd.edu/index.php@option=com_content&task=view&id=976&Itemid=53.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>