Daughter Visiting Bama

<p>My daughter and her friend are flying down to spend a weekend at Bama with their friend who is a sophmore there. My dd was so excited last nightl They are going to the football game and just hanging around campus. My dd is trying to get an appointment to meet with the cheer staff as she wants to cheer at whichever college she goes to. We have been down to visit already but the girl that went with my dd hasn’t. I am so glad that they had the chance to do this - Bama is one of my dd’s top choices and hopefully she will get a real feel of campus this weekend.</p>


<p>where are you from?</p>

<p>Is your D and her friend signed up for a campus tour?</p>

<p>NJ. I don’t know if they signed up or not. The friend that went with my dd was going to do it if she decided she wanted to do the official tour. My dd doesn’t really want to do the tour since we already did that but will go with her friend if she signed up. My dd would rather see the real deal this time around.</p>

<p>No no no. This board isn’t big enough for more people from NJ :-)</p>

<p>I’m sure your daughter and her friend will have a blast this weekend. Nothing beats football weekends at The Capstone.</p>

<p>It better be big enough because she and her friend both LOVED it!</p>

<p>Great to hear!</p>

<p>Tell us about their visit.</p>

<p>Roll Tide Roll!!!</p>

<p>I’m excited to hear the details. </p>


<p>Details? Didn’t get too many from her before she ran out to see her friends. They stayed in an off campus apartment with a friend who went to high school here. On Friday they walked around campus and took their own tour. Both my daughter and her friend who went with her are planning on going into nursing and were thrilled with the College of Nursing building. They went to the tailgating before the game. They said they were in the quad and also where all of the RV’s were parked. They loved it! My daughter was thrilled with the stadium and the game - she has been a cheerleader since she was 5 and plans to cheer for whatever college that she goes to. She said it was HOT! They both loved the people that they met - they said that everyone was so friendly. They were made fun of for their accent which they thought was really funny! My dd did not want to come home!</p>

<p>Yes it was hot!</p>

<p>I remember going to the Penn St game last year (Sept 11) and it was hot, but then it seemed like the weather changed soon after.</p>

<p>Alabama has awesome fall weather…just beautiful.</p>