Out of my Morbid Curiosity...(UChicago, Georgetown, Brown, Yale)

<p>Hi everybody! I've been creeping on collegeconfidential for a while, but finally decided to make an account. Morbid curiosity made me decide to wonder what my chances were for a few of these schools, right now I think I want to major in Political Science/International Affairs (so for Georgetown, it'd probably be the Walsh School of Foreign Service).</p>

<p>I'm a rising Senior, by the way.</p>

<p>So, here we go!</p>

<p>GPA: 4.51/4 (weighted) 4.0/4 (unweighted)
Rank: No longer reported
PSAT: 221 (IL, so probable National Merit Scholar)
SAT: 2270 (800 M, 780 CR, 690 W) <- Writing is sad face (8 on the essay)
ACT: 35 (35 E, 35 M, 35 R, 36 S) <- Another 8 on the essay, both attempts
SAT II's: Literature (800), Math II (800), United States History (800)
AP's: Sophomore- Euro (5); Junior (scores pending)- APUSH, Language, BC Calc; Senior: Lit, Gov (Comparative and US), Bio, Physics</p>

<p>I've taken all honours and AP courses when I could, with the notable exception of Regular Biology Freshman year, foreign language for three years, and band for all four. Senior year courseload is</p>

<p>AP Biology
AP Physics
Honours Wind Ensemble
AP Government
Calculus III
AP Literature
Gym (lolz)</p>

<p>Extracurriculars (important ones anyway) are:
Eagle Scout
6th Chair Trumpet in Honours All-State Band
A crapload of stuff I've done in Band, marching band, pep band, pit orchestra, etc.
MIT Inventeams Reject - No, we're not putting the rejected part up, but even though we were rejected, we've secured at least $1,000 in outside funding for our project, and we're continuing to pursue it.</p>

<p>Yale would most likely be SCEA, because I might have slightly more of a prayer there. Oh, I'm a white male with family income of $100,000+. Sadface.</p>

<p>Thanks for your time!</p>

<p>UChicago: Low Reach
Georgetown: High Match/Low Reach
Brown: Reach
Yale: Reach/High Reach</p>