
<p>They suck at life.</p>

<p>I think you just insulted like 90% of CCers lol</p>

<p>Quite a few of the overachievers here really do suck at life though :P</p>

<p>overachievers drive achievers to under achieve.</p>

<p>I don't know about you, but I'm kind of an underachiever.</p>

<p>In fact, I'm procrastinating on NetHack practice right now.</p>

<p>I am expected to be an overachiever, but I am in reality a lazy bum.</p>

<p>^ Ya same here. My friends/peers think I'm an overachiever, wait till they find out I have a GPA of 3.5 hahahaha</p>

<p>Pwn, your statement is redundant in so many ways.</p>

<p>i'm an underachieving overachiever...</p>

<p>lol what's wrong with overachievers?</p>


I'm procrastinating on NetHack practice right now.


<p>I hear that if you don't play enough NetHack, Caltech will rescind your admission. Better get working.</p>

<p>Ah, the sweet hours wasted on NetHack.</p>

<p>5 ascensions? In everywhere. How many artifacts total?</p>

<li>10 char.
But I fear my admission may be rescinded if I fail AP Life.</li>

<p>It's only a semester long course. Take it in summer school.</p>

<p>Pwn, does your name happen to be Jason?</p>

<p>I love the rediculous steriotypes on these forums. Overachievers can be a little socially detached, or shy because they lock themselves in their rooms studying alot. It doesn't mean they suck at life. A week of real social interaction can really bring out the worst in them. I've seen it happen!</p>

<p>overachievers make me want to punch a baby. theres a different between doing your best and going above and beyond just to be an ass suck.</p>

<p>sometimes overachievers can come off a little stuck-up, but it's really just a reflection of their already existing social detachment (Which comes in different degrees of severity btw. alot of overachievers are "the life of the party" believe it or not :) )</p>

42. 10 char.
But I fear my admission may be rescinded if I fail AP Life.


It's only a semester long course. Take it in summer school.


<p>Yeah, but the teachers always give that stupid speech about how it's a life-long lesson.</p>