Overall Experience at TCU

<p>I am just starting at my community college(SBCC- currently ranked #1 in the country for CC's) in January and I will be a Kinesiology major and I would like to transfer to TCU. I want to be a personal trainer and be an undergrad in Health and Fitness and TCU. I am an avid bodybuilder and am wondering how their rec center is. Also what is the TCU experience like? Will I be able to get a suite dorm since I will transfer in as a Junior? Is this a school that I could meet other bodybuildets? What are the frat parties like and will decent grades(B's and C's in GE classes and straight A's in kinesiology program) get me in as a transfer? Thanks for the help!</p>

<p>TCU’s Rec is amazing! It’s fairly new, has lots of equipment, weights, classes, pick-up games, a lounge, a track, an outdoor and indoor pool, ping pong and more. There are lots of kids who are into working out. And, of course, TCU’s athletes are tops in the country so the school is serious about health and fitness. </p>

<p>The school has a good social scene – both Greek and non-Greek. Sporting events are huge, Thursday comedy shows are huge and a few great college bars and hang-outs around campus!</p>

<p>TCU is tougher and tougher to get into. Keep your grades up! Get involved in some community service. You’ll be fine!</p>