Overenrolled and underfunded

<p>The Seattle Times today wrote that the UW faces about a 20% budget cut. Not too surprising, but especially bad news because the poor economy makes people stay in school, so UW is significantly over-enrolled at the same time. This will have implications for new applicants, I presume. Here's an excerpt on the admissions point:</p>

<p>"Just Tuesday, the UW announced it had 1,100 more students than predicted — and authorized by the state budget — after more sophomores, juniors and seniors stayed in school. The UW says that increase is likely a result of the economic downturn.</p>

<p>UW President Mark Emmert said Tuesday that applications for next year's freshman class are already up 20 percent over last year's record numbers, and could hit 25,000."</p>

<p>Local</a> News | Washington's higher ed prepares for cuts up to $600M | Seattle Times Newspaper</p>

<p>Wonder if those triple dorm rooms will be turned into quads.</p>

<p>ahhhh crap.</p>

<p>haha triples turn into quads!!! funny XD</p>

<p>oh wait… that could happen</p>

<p>They’re talking about cutting the number of freshmen accepted as well as cutting funding so I doubt they’ll need to turn the triples into quads. But it will get a whole lot more competitive. This year they’re expecting 25,000 applications for 5,500 seats. That could go down almost to 4,000 for (I think) the following year.</p>

<p>Yeah, but they should have been building more dorms for years…</p>

<p>UW is building new dorms, but they won’t be done in a few years.</p>