Overqualified student reject?????!!!

<p>rejected from UCLA
seriously, i'm really mad right now</p>

<p>i don't want to sound arrogant but i would definitely consider my stat to be sufficient for UCLA</p>

<p>around 2000 hours of work and volunteer experiences with 8 leadership positions
31 ACT
800 800 SAT II
4.5 GPA
AP student: 5,5,5,5,5,5,4
great essay</p>

<p>how the hell did this happen?
i got accepted in to Washington U. St.louis today too, i just dont get it,
is it because that i also applied to Cal??</p>

<p>UCLA is on top of my list because i LOVE the atmosphere and have many friends attending there, this is just .....ARG</p>

<p>You’re only slightly overqualified. If you applied for Engineering, you might even be underqualified.</p>

<p>I wouldn’t take the rejection so roughly. You’ve already been accepted to WUSTL. You could still be potentially accepted into Berkeley. What do you need UCLA for? If you still feel strongly about it, you could always appeal.</p>

<p>EDIT: UCLA and Berkeley do NOT collaborate regarding admissions. I don’t know how many times this has to be said.</p>

<p>Understand that UCLA is ridiculously impacted. We’re seeing record applicants in the state of California, and LA is the most impacted, along with SDSU and UCSD. It’s not that you don’t have the credentials – it’s that UCLA can’t gamble right now.</p>

<p>UCLA is taking transfers, because they do better at UCLA than incoming freshmen do. </p>

<p>Hate to sound like a ******, but every freshman that gets rejected leaves open a spot for me, since I applied as a transfer for the fall of 2011. Your sacrifice is seriously appreciated.</p>

<p>(I am transferring from MiraCosta College, in case you were wondering: [Carlos</a> Sandoval’s Student Blog](<a href=“MiraCosta College | 404”>MiraCosta College | 404) )</p>


What? That’s not true. Transfers generally do worse than incoming freshman.</p>

<p>I dont think this is true.
I had better stats than you and I got accepted. (I dont mean to be arrogant but I didnt know how else to put it)</p>

<p>SAT - 2200
AP - (done independently) 4 5s
A Level - 3 A*
GPA - 94.8%
Good ECs.</p>

<p>So I guess its just something in you application that didnt quite strike them.</p>

<p>Yeah… I wouldn’t say you are overqualified. </p>

<p>I have a 2300/800/800 and my brother has a 2320/800/800/780 and we both got in. Not meant to show off or anything; I just don’t think UCLA is the type of school with Tufts syndrome.</p>

<p>Gonna need somre more info. What was your normal SAT score? You only listed your SAT IIs.</p>

<p>You can’t say that your essay was great, that’s completely subjective. What did you write about?</p>

<p>What major did you apply to?</p>

<p>Your stats look strikingly similar to the other 81,000 who applied. You aren’t overqualified, but you are in need of an ego-check.</p>

<p>(And for what it’s worth, your post made me really glad you weren’t admitted; arrogance isn’t appreciated here)</p>

<p>^I believe the correct number of applicants who applied was 61,000. Still the most of any colleges in the country.</p>

<p>I got rejected as well. But a 2 of my classmates who are underqualified(All i could count from FB posts. There are probably a lot more who got in from my school. I know at least 5 of my friends got in who are qualified) — only 3 honors/AP Classes, 3 years of band, SAT scores < 2000, GPA about 4.0 weighted (there were a few B’s), and no leadership— were accepted. They are korean, so no URM status for them. So that can’t explain acceptance. I’m raging a bit too. I am from California, so my classmates and I do have a very slight bit of favor because of that, but that does not explain rejection and acceptance. Does intended major affect admission decision?</p>

<p>^^^“Does intended major affect admission decision?” </p>

<p>Yes, intended major absolutely affects admission rates.</p>



<p>Are you aware that UCLA does holistic admissions? So your stats (which ARE similar to a lot of other applicants) do not stand on their own but in the context of your situation. I have some friends with stats that are lower than your’s get in–but their home life was abysmal! I know they have as much (or more) potential than me, given all they have accomplished.</p>

<p>The fact that you are MAD instead of dissapointed tells me that you may be a little arrogant and this might have come through in your essays:(</p>

<p>^^Really? Every thing I’ve ever read about admission says that intended major DOES NOT affect admission, unless you’ve applied to a particular school within the university such as Engineering or Nursing. Applicants to C o L&S aren’t admitted based on their major.</p>

Understand why you are mad. I have better stats than you and did not get into engineering dept. Have no idea why but that is the way it is. In fact after hearing about how bad friends financial aid packages are even if I got in I could not afford it. I am very glad I applied to schools out of state. I got great scholarships and will be able to easily afford 4 years of undergrad. They are hinting that UCLA tuition will increase 10-20% each year…that is insane. Congrats to all who got in…</p>

<p>I got similar stats and I did not get into computer science …
I don’t think I have a shot at Berkeley knowing that computer science is even more competitive than LA …
get accepted to UCI and waiting for UCSD, I am fine with either UCSD or UCI …
no point of getting peas off with the rejection, life goes on and who could say that life is not even better at the school of your choice …</p>

<p>dmjjm, which school are you planning to attend ???</p>

<p>eric, pull yourself together …
what other schools did you apply ??? hope you have some safety school lined up …</p>

<p>Eric, what was your SATI score? or did you take ACT only?</p>

<p>College admissions are crazy. I got into UCLA even though you have a better GPA and EC’s than me. Maybe it was your ACT score, that was the only thing I did better than you on. At least you got into WUSTL, that was one of my top schools and I was wait-listed. Congratulations!!</p>



<p>No, the correct number is 81,000. </p>

<p>(61,000 freshmen, 20,000 transfers).</p>