Owl Days 2009!

<p>Yeah, I know it's kind of early, but I have nothing else to do for the next three weeks of waiting... </p>

<p>So ED acceptees, likely letter receivers, and eventually RD acceptees, who's excited for Owl Days 2009?!</p>

<p>To make this post not completely pointless, so is there just going to be one session of Owl Days (April 8-9)? The "Corrections" email seems to indicate so...</p>

<p>when is Owl days? I’ve been waiting for that since January…</p>

<p>BTW I’m an ED acceptee</p>

<p>I wish that I could go but my parents are too poor to pay for a ticket to Houston</p>

<p>According to the “corrections email,” Owl Days seem to be April 8-9, Wednesday and Thursday. I’m just not sure if those are the only days…</p>



<p>I’m from Minnesota and my parents and I are planning to rent a car and drive there. It’ll cut the cost in half, at least.</p>

<p>I think there are also owl days on the 14th and 21st. The email was just correcting the date of the first one.</p>

<p>Do we have to sign up for these or reserve a place if we want to sleep there?</p>

<p>I’m bumping this for all your excited people out there!</p>

<p>i still have not gotten any news on Owl Days :(</p>

<p>ahh sucks to be a neglected ED acceptee :(</p>

<p>Though I am glad that I don’t have to worry about the decision or about college</p>

<p>I just hope we have like an Owl Days this year since the letters will be getting to RD so late. I’m not worried about being neglected since the Admissions office is probably working around the clock to get their decisions in before april 1st or something around that.</p>

<p>Awww, do EDers go to Owl Days?</p>

<p>i haven’t gotten news on Owl Days either. :cry:
let us be sorrowful together.</p>

<p>does anyone know when (what time) Owl day starts on 4/8? its for airplane booking purposes.</p>

<p>According to last year’s schedule, it was early in the morning:</p>

<p><a href=“https://admit.rice.edu/riceadmission/OwlDaysSchedule.cfm[/url]”>https://admit.rice.edu/riceadmission/OwlDaysSchedule.cfm&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>So, I suppose you could come the day before and spend the night in a hotel…?</p>

<p>thanks modulation.</p>

<p>sigh* o well… guess i can’t go after all. just talked to my parents and decided it would cost around $500 just to get there and stay in a motel xd.</p>

<p>have u tried calling rice? if u tell them that u don’t have money to come see them, they might offer to pay flight ticket and stuff. I wanted to visit duke, and I called, and they said they’d pay my ticket</p>

<p>I want to call Rice about that too but I think it is better once they send out the Owl Day info to all of us… I’d definitely call then</p>



<p>I don’t know if your family’s as crazy as mine, but we like to drive everywhere, so you could drive to Rice from Cali… =]</p>


<p>thanks for the suggestion. i will probably do what tomackze might do (call after all the info comes out) since from the calls that i have made, the office seems pretty unwilling to talk about owl day for some reason (probably because decisions aren’t actually out yet).</p>


<p>haha you are funny. my family actually drives everywhere too, but MAN that would be quite a long drive. i thought about it but i don’t trust myself to go that far alone xd.</p>

<p>if i get in, ill def. go to Owl Days. SCREW SCHOOL</p>

<p>Drive? That’s lame. I’d walk.</p>

<p>rice actually subsidizes part of the transportation costs for some admitted students for owl days (they tend to do this with out of state/people who live far away). the sheet said if you gave them your receipt they would reimburse $100 or something like that. i don’t know if they’ll still have this offer with everything happening with the economy, but i guess you’ll see. </p>

<p>oh and if you get in, COME TO OWL DAYS. rice was my last choice, until i came to owl days. i’m happier than i could imagine myself anywhere else</p>