Panicked !


<p>I am reading other people's posts and I am really worried.
You all seem to do lots of extra curricular activities. There is nothing to say about me apart from the fact I play music well and I speak French fluently.
I have never participated to any club, humanitarian association and I only used to sing in my school's choir because it was compulsory...</p>

<p>I plan to apply next year. I have not yet choosen all the Unis I am gonna apply to. Maybe Oberlin College, and State Unis, and maybe a Ivy, but what are my chances ?</p>

<p>Thank you very much !
Bass player</p>

<p>Contrary to popular list, a laundry list of ECs is not necessary. In fact, at top schools it seems preferable to do one thing very, very well. So if music is your thing, emphasize your accomplishments in music and any leadership roles you’ve taken on in bands, orchestras or wherever.</p>

<p>With appropriate grades and SATs, you should do fine.</p>