<p>My son is 19 and going into his junior year at U of M. He hasn't registered for classes yet. He didn't realize he had to YET. Should he already have his classes picked out? Is he screwed? How could he have forgotten to do this?</p>
<p>Returning students registered back in April and incoming freshmen registered during their orientation session in June-July. Yes, he should've registered a long time ago, but no, he's not totally screwed.</p>
<p>If you're far enough long, most classes in a concentration tend to have less people and not fill up. It's the introductory classes that lots of people have to take to meet basic requirements that fill up quickly. He may not be able to get his first or maybe even second choice of electives, but there are more than enough classes left.</p>
<p>Well it turns out he knew he had to register in April, he just needed to sit down with his advisor and work some things out because of his double major. He's all set now and actually got into the classes he needs. He's not one of those people who leaves things until the last minute. Thankfully he wasn't harmed by his procrastination.</p>