Paradise is burning

Already some report getting calls from land buyers…

The fire began with downed power lines that sparked a brush fire, thought to be contained but then flared up again. Not started by homeless people.


The only place I saw the homeless rumor was right here.


Me too and I flagged it for review but it’s still there, so I felt the need to reply. Such a tragedy without adding that piece of misinformation.

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I do not think the poster “started a rumor.” At the time, it was not inconceivable that it could have been a potential cause among many other ones (look at Seattle where 2 major fires were started in encampments shutting down the freeway and major streets for hours). As soon as the information became available, not a single person brought that up again.

Let’s move on… please.


“Green on Monday said his office is asking for moratorium on home sales as Maui looks to rebuild. And Hawaii’s Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs urged Maui homeowners affected by the fires to use caution and to report unsolicited offers to buy their properties to the agency.”

IMO, a moratorium might be a good thing, but it can negatively affect those who were planning to move - long before the fire started.


Such a terrible disaster. Just a reminder that it takes time to get relief and rebuilding services up and running. Especially when it’s a disaster like this one where everything has been destroyed. They tell us to plan to have to care for ourselves for two weeks if the “big one” hits because the infrastructure will be destroyed. But with wildfires, everything you may have prepared is destroyed. And on an island where everything has to be shipped in? Of course friends and neighbors and those already on the island are the first responders! Anything else takes time to get in place. One of the wonders of World Central Kitchen is its ability to get in and start serving food so quickly. But they only do that one thing. I find our disaster response folks amazing even if everyone isn’t getting what they want in the first week.


I am hoping native Hawaiians will have more power in how Lahaina is redeveloped than they presumably had when it evolved from it’s original agricultural/business/government hub to a tourist hotspot.

Don’t get me wrong…I look forward to many more trips to Maui and to frequenting the tourist “traps” that come back to Lahaina. However, Maui has a chance to demonstrate some serious sensitivity to the cultural and economic plight of native Hawaiians as it considers its future and I REALLY hope they don’t blow that.


Here’s another article on ways to donate to help Maui:


As injured pets pour in, Maui Humane can definitely use some more donations!

Today I’m fully aware of that (that it wasn’t a “fire bug”).

At the time I posted above there was a “fire bug” hitting multiple places on island and it was known to be from a homeless camp.

If I can, I will edit my original post.


Reminder to those who start to think they will put their limited charity budget to help people rather than the animals: often the kindest thing you can do for people who’ve suffered a trauma is to take care of their pets. The comfort/love/distraction pets provide to the mental health of kids and anyone without kids is ESPECIALLY effective.

I needed the reminder too: it’s only a little bit about the animals.

As far as selling property burned in the wildfire, people may want to sell and move elsewhere. I know people in California who couldn’t face another fire or earthquake and sold shortly after those disasters. The anxiety, PTSD, etc, was just too much. The government shouldn’t interfere.


Except to help put out the fires, evacuate tourists, provide emergency food and water, set up shelters, search for missing people, remove toxic waste, rebuild roads and infrastructure, subsidize insurance companies, help rebuild homes and businesses, and insure building regulations are followed.


I meant by restricting or limiting the sale of the property. Some people may have just had it with the problems and want to go elsewhere.

I wish the state would offer any Hawaii residents wishing to sell the right to first offer the property to the state before selling to a developer or outsider.


Interesting article about how invasive plants contributed to the fire dangers.

Sorry about the hideous link usually they come up looking better, but it is a gifted article!


I would like the state to have a moratorium on developer sales for the next 10 years. I would add to that out of state/country buyers as well. Give a real opportunity for the entire state to breathe.

I read that the federal government is providing an “emergency payment” of $700 (seven hundred!) per household! That’s right, household! What a slap in the face. More was doled out during Covid ($600 extra a week for those on unemployment). Why such a meager amount? What is that supposed to do for anyone? Upsetting on so many levels.


$700 is what FEMA is allowed to give to individuals immediately after a disaster. It’s called Critical Needs Assistance. Google it. Additional aid may be coming but this is what the Executive Branch can distribute without Congress passing an additional aid bill. Write your congressional representative if you think that should change.


Temporarily restricting the sale though might help the vast majority who are desperate to stay there and who are desperate to solve the problems.

I am fortunate enough to have spent between 2 and 8 weeks in Hawai’i every year for the last 10 years. The LAST thing I want to see happen to Maui and the other islands is ANYTHING with an intent to make it better for folks like me.