<p>Hmm…well I’m glad everyone liked it! I think I’ll pass though haha</p>
<p>I just watched it last night, and honestly, it didn’t come close to the hype I had heard. I walked in expecting to be scared out of my mind, unable to sleep for days, scary pictures running through my head, etc. But except for the last five minutes, I would just say it was a decent movie based almost entirely on suspense. The ending was startling, but overall nothing to be that scared about.</p>
<p>I just watched it and honestly it sucked ass. It wasn’t scary at all and they eren’t good actors.</p>
<p>i heard it was scary. i might go see it.</p>
<p>More creepy than scary.</p>
<p>Yeah, and for a $15,000 movie, I’d say they did pretty well.haha.I think they made like $62 million now?</p>
<p>I’ll probably see this even if I’m not into horror, just to support the filmmakers (also to see if it’ll actually scare me since I don’t scare easily, haha). A $15,000 budget and being top at the box office is just awesome for them. Gives me hope too, maybe filmmakers will see this and stop making movies on a $200,000,000 budget that’s just 2 hours of special effects and explosions with no real plot or good dialogue.</p>