<p>Has anyone seen it yet? I'm planning to see it tomorrow and I'm excited but a little scared... </p>
<p>If you've seen the trailers for the movie: I actually have owls that I can see from my bedroom window. Is it a sign??? LOL</p>
<p>What do you guys think of it?</p>
<p>yeah, i want to see it, too : P but i doubt any of my friends will, lol 
but let me know how it is!</p>
<p>Yeah…it was pretty lame. I thought I would get scared. There was one part that made me jump but, other than that, parts got kinda boring and at one point everyone in the theater started laughing. Needless to say, I was disappointed. I got a bit annoyed at the obvious support for atheism…
I wish I hadn’t wasted my money =(</p>
<p>The box was sold out, so my friends and I went to see the movie. It was an awful Hollywood Indie documentary hybrid. The scariest thing was the soundtrack and I ended up texting throughout the movie. I’d only recommend it to hardcore Alien Conspirators.</p>