Parent/Peer Evaluation for for RD

Hi, did anyone receive a request for a parent / peer evaluation? My d submitted RD and within a week they asked for recommendations from a family member or a friend or peer. There were 3 questions and it did not appear to have a word limit. She already submitted the max 3 recommendations with her application. They request submission within 2 weeks.

I also submitted RD recently and got that email. I don’t think it’s a “request” though because it’s a completely optional supplement.

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My son applied ED to Rochester and did not get that email. I am wondering if they are using it as a way to gauge interest from RD candidates. ED candidates are clearly interested and therefore don’t need to show it by soliciting another recommendation.

For those who submitted a family/peer recommendation, I would love to know who people asked. It seems bonkers that immediate family members aren’t excluded!

S22 send in his RD app this week and also received the request. It’s so bizarre. He already has 3 LORs on Common App. This is just extra work! He will probably ask a friend or family member.

My D asked my husband. Her friends are all busy finishing their own college apps so she didn’t want to burden them. Plus she wanted to include her dad in all the college madness (and he was happy to boast about his DD :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:).

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My kid received this email yesterday. I agree that it is really bizarre. We all had a big laugh at the idea that the parents now had a college deadline.

The idea that they are using it to gauge interest from RD candidates is interesting.

You are probably right. U of R is apparently a very big tracker of demonstrated interest and ED is of course the ultimate way to show interest.

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Dad did it!


Dad’s doing it in our house too!


So glad to see this thread. My son got the same email after applying RD. He keeps asking me to do it. I’ve been putting it off and now it’s been more than two weeks. It just seems so silly to have your mom write a recommendation letter…I feel sort of stupid doing so. But have nobody else to ask. Not sure what’s worse…skipping it or having your mom do it.

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I’m in the exact same boat! I’ve been procrastinating it since before the holidays. My son really does not want to ask a peer and already has 3 other teacher LORs. I will probably end up doing it.

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