Parental statement: thank you letter

<p>Recently, I received a letter thanking my parents for completing the Geneseo Parental Statement form. While it was a very kind gesture on their part, my mom and I found it bizarre that it would be sent now after having sent in the statement over a month and a half ago. Any thoughts?</p>

<p>Thoughts are that you are trying to read into something that means nothing really. Don’t worry about it! Their process can be slow at times. We sent ours in a few weeks ago and did not get a letter yet…</p>

<p>Mailings, letters and the like from Geneseo are often criptic…don’t read too much into them.</p>

<p>I sent mine early November or so and never got a “Thank You” letter. My son was accepted today though, ED : )</p>

<p>Yeah, I guess so… It is of really no matter now, I got in too! yay :-)</p>

<p>Are you going from L.I. by any chance?</p>