Parents in town for CBHP weekend

I hope you and your kids are enjoying your visit to Tuscaloosa! :slight_smile:

We would love your feedback on the university and your weekend. Safe travels home!
Roll tide!

Had dinner with a few great parents of prospective CBHP’ers last night…it’s cold up here!..haven’t heard a peep out of DS since the airport yesterday…hopefully he’s talkative on the plane ride back home tonight…good luck to all that are interviewing.

^^^ @BocaTerp‌ I would take the “not hearing a peep” out of your son as a positive sign, he is probably very busy and actively engaged with the group. I hope that he enjoyed himself and I wish him the best of luck!

Hope the weather cooperates with everyone’s driving and flying plans!!! Stay safe!

@BocaTerp sorry I missed you. It was not a pleasant night for me but better that I stayed locked up in my hotel room than spread germs! Where did you all end up going for dinner? My DD had a great time.

^^ @saismom…sorry you were sick and couldn’t make it…Depalma’s was closed, so we went next door to the Mello Mushroom…3 hr convo. over pizza…great parents & I’m sure all the kids were of the same caliber…DS was too tired to give me the rundown of the weekend, hopefully after school tomorrow.

^^^@robotbldmom…he said that he didn’t get much sleep and they were busy all the time…thanks for the good wishes…does anyone know how long until they inform the kids who were selected to join the Freshman CBHP group?

I am glad to hear everyone had a good time. I didn’t realize the weather was supposed to be bad there tonight. I hope all those with travel plans tomorrow are able to get home on time and safely.

Last yr they let the kids know on pi day. (3-14) I have no idea if that is typical or coincidental.

^^^ I think that it takes a few weeks for notification. Keep checking your Crimson Mail, I believe that is how notifications go out.

Please remember if your student doesn’t get selected, that there are many, many other opportunities at UA. It was an honor to get selected for the interview weekend. Your talented students will thrive at the university. Also, if they are not selected, look into Emerging Scholars if your student wants to do research.

@saismom - hope you are feeling better! Nothing worse than being sick while OOT!

It was great to meet such great parents and see the kids busy and engaged. Best wishes to all of you that I had the opportunity to meet!!!