Parents of the HS Class of 2010 and college years beyond (Part 1)

<p>Hi everybody!</p>

<p>Thanks for starting the thread, Jackie. May this thread be as wonderful as the last one you started for us…</p>

<p>Introduction? Sure…</p>

<p>My wife and I live in Central California, in the Monterey Bay Area. We have 2 kids, DS who is 20 and DD who is 18. I work in the computer software business, primarily out of my home. </p>

<p>My screen name comes from my previous attendance at Santa Clara University. Not terribly clever – but I wasn’t planning on keeping it forever… :smiling_face:</p>

<p>DD will be attending Scripps College in Southern California next fall. No, not the marine biology one, the other one. The one that is a part of the Claremont consortium. Major? Who knows. </p>

<p>DS is a Junior at Lewis and Clark in Portland Oregon. (No, not the one in Idaho). Why is it my kids both selected schools that get confused with other schools with the same name??? :smiling_face:</p>

<p>Life will be very different around here this fall. Just DW, our Golden Retriever, and me… The dog is already planning to redecorate DD room…</p>

<p>Hello - can I join this thread if my remaining at-home kiddo is starting 7th grade ? ALthough I guess I do qualify because my oldest just graduated high school, so he IS a class of 2014, I guess. I discovered CC for the first time literally on the day CAL posted admission decisions this spring, and although for the older boy I am REALLY glad I didn’t know about CC during the admission process (he went to a small religious school with NO college advising, but he did manage to find a good LAC that is mostly paying his way), the younger one is an aspiring athlete, and I look forward to the next 6 years of sharing priceless advice on the athlete, as opposed to scholar, path.
CC is a truely astonishing 21st century community of committed college-aholics :)</p>

<p>I’m CountingDown – joined CC when S1 was entering junior year of HS. </p>

<p>S1 is now a third year math major at UChicago, and will be at Budapest Semesters in Mathematics this fall, but his true passion is theoretical computer science. He is programming in Chicago this summer, which makes it the second year he has not come home.</p>

<p>S2 is starting at Tufts this fall and will be in the IR program with Mathmom’s S2. S2 is interested in global security and Russian/Central Asian studies. He’s working for a catering company this summer, though is not getting as many hours as he hoped. I am taking advantage of his size and strength while he’s home to get yard work done. :slight_smile: He and his GF are planning to do the long-distance thing and have been working out the kinks with Skype and figuring out bus/train/plane schedules.</p>

<p>My guys and Mathmom’s guys are similar in so many ways it is scary! We are planning to meet up in Boston this fall at move-in. I suspect our S2s will be hanging out before too long!</p>

<p>Thanks for all the welcomes!
I am so glad to hear about everyones experiences with Wellesley, D has been getting a lot of flack about choosing a womens college. She just loved the idea of the sisterhood, and of all the traditions associated with the seven sisters colleges. She applied to three of them, and seven other schools, and she ended up with Wellesley and Bryn Mawr as her final choices. </p>

<p>I did see someone had a daughter going to Scripps, DD looked at Scripps and we both loved it, but she decided she wanted to stay on the East Coast. </p>

<p>Thank you also for the boarding school advice offers, I have been researching and I did look at the forums here but they are quite overwhelming!
She is very into sports, and just loves the idea of boarding school.
I am slowly coming around to the idea, it does make sense for a number of reasons.
Luckily, living in NY means there are many good schools within a few hours drive, so she wouldn’t have to go to far.</p>

<p>Sorry, I will need to work on commenting on everything elses posts, I don’t have the memory for that! Maybe I will need to take notes!</p>

<p>Morning all! So excited to be posting on the new thread. Welcome to all just joining the fun. And thank you BT for the very colorful send off from the old one!</p>

<p>My D is headed to Coastal Carolina University just outside Myrtle Beach, SC to pursue a BFA in Musical Theatre (hence the “mt” in my CC name) and will be in the Honors program as well. She is our only so once she leaves it will be me, H of 23 years, and our 2 dogs and 5 cats (they are all rescues - I have a hard time saying no!) And as you can probably guess, we live in the Austin area. I work for a vintage excursion railroad and H is a designer for an engineering company. I found CC while looking for resources on the audition process for MT programs and have loved being a part of this great group.</p>

<p>D already has her schedule, met most of her MT classmates at orientation, and got up early this morning to apply for on campus jobs since this was the day the new jobs were posted online. I think she is ready to go LOL! She works mainly as a nanny but is spending this week teaching at a MT summer camp that “her kids” are attending with her. Next week she starts rehearsals for Cabaret, and she will leave for college 2 days after the show closes. </p>

<p>Wishing happy summer fun to all. I can’t wait for all the wonderful news as our 2014ers blast off for their new adventures!</p>

<p>PACAMOM–there are several of us here who will be on the HS Class of 2016 thread! Although we don’t plan on starting it for several years. We’re obsessive, but not that obsessive:)</p>


<p>hi sailorette… my son when to a boarding school for math and science…great experience for him…if i can help just let me know</p>

<p>And we’re up to six pages ALREADY???
I’m Mimi, from Austin TX- and my DD is headed to Rhodes this fall, where she’ll major in Philosophy (as of now). She is super excited, and so are we! Happy to meet you all on this board (I like the ‘beyond’ part!).<br>
The class of 2010 board was so helpful, so loving and held my hand many a day.
Hello, everyone!</p>

<p>six pages already! I was a long time lurker before joining the Parents of 2010 thread.
I live near the beach in an LA suburb, work part time writing TV news and have one daughter going to Berkeley in the fall, another graduating from HS in 2012.</p>

<p>I think it’s great that so many kids are willing to go long distances to school. I bet if we lived in Austin, DS would have chosen an out-of-state school!</p>

<p>I have been gently “instructing” him to learn some Southern manners. For some reason, it was a running joke at his HS that you NEVER open up a door for anyone else! Can you imagine?? I told him he’s going to have to shape up in Texas! I love calling my business associates down there. Men older than me will say, “Yes, ma’am,” when they’re speaking to me! I miss the gentility.</p>

<p>welcome pacamom!!!</p>


I have one of those too.</p>

<p>I have to say I’m enjoying being reintroduced to all of you! And welcome to our new posters!</p>

<p>ILoveLA, I see we’ll be hanging out on the '12 thread, too. I live by the beach here in socal, too, and the sun is trying to come out. It’s been pretty dreary here lately.</p>

<p>Wow! I am so excited at all these new “faces.” Woo woo (it must have been the refreshments :)</p>

<p>ML: I totally panicked on the “manners” thing when we moved to TN from NJ. My kids are pretty polite, but the ma’am thing never became second nature to D1. But please and thank you’s are automatic.</p>

<p>About the summer job issue: D1 has now had 2 weekly schedules where she’s had no hours (along with 2/3 of the staff) so I shared the food bank/volunteering suggestion with her. She’s looking into that today because honestly, she’s never had this much time to herself before & I think the novelty has worn off.</p>

<p>So while running errands for me this morning to help get D2 off to her next summer activity, D1 picked up an over the door mirror for her dorm as well as some Class of 2010 picture frames that were on clearance at Target. And she forwarded me some Pottery Barn sale email. Let the shopping begin in earnest!</p>

<p>I’m also loving the reintroductions. I came onto the 2010 thread much later than most and it’s nice to get a little backstory from everyone. :slight_smile: </p>

<p>austinmtmom - For the longest time whenever I would “say” your name (in my head, of course) I would say Austin mountain mom. I didn’t connect it with musical theater. I know better now but most times I still think mountain…it’s a hard habit to break, but I’m working on it! :D</p>

<p>intouch, I think a number of us made the same mistake with austinmtmom. I know I did - and yes, it’s a hard habit to break. :)</p>

<p>Welcome to pacamom.</p>

<p>lol intouch i thought it was mountain too!!</p>

<p>Add me to the mountain express, austinmt! ;)…Though after learning so much about your wonderful and talented D with Broadway, etc. in her future, it’s a lot easier in my head and now I just think, “mt!”</p>

<p>pacamom: Also echoing welcome wishes.</p>

<p>:cool: :cool:</p>

<p>Awww, that mountain handle is probably apropos since that is what I feel like we climbed this past year!!!</p>

<p>Hi all! I am sooo enjoying the introductions and back stories. I came a little late to the other thread and lurked forever, but once I started posting, I have gotten the warmest reception…thanks so much!</p>

<p>I have an only child, D, who will be attending The University of Texas in the fall. She is majoring in journalism and PR (for now :slight_smile: ) </p>

<p>I work with my H who is a General Dentist…I stay in the front, he stays in the back…and we are all happy :slight_smile: we are often asked how we do it without killing each other…but we do…
We have been happily married for 22 years next month. We are a little afraid of what our lives will be like once August rolls around and we are truly empty nesters. We are truly amazed and lucky to be parents to such a wonderful D!</p>

<p>I anticipate that we will all really need each other’s support in the coming months and I am so thankful to have each of you!</p>