Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)


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Nice acceptance for your daughter!!! :clap:

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Thank you!


thank you!

Wait, you can get college customized merch from Yeti? I so did not need to know that. Especially after looking at the price :wink:.


Ugh! My son Bates ED1. Has an LD and that module system would be awful for him. Am hoping they rethink that one. Feel like it would be setting him up to fail.


@Momof3B Ok. Now ya just taunting the parents who are still waiting and will be rewarded with more waitlist waiting
when all I’ve ever wanted to do was buy merch!!! :joy:


This one I had not heard before. I did hear that UMich was asking RD applicants to write a 250-word LOCI before they were informed of their RD decisions! And here I thought the fact that some colleges track interest was bad enough
 I mean, isn’t it enough that these kids have to write all those “why us” essays? Now they are also expected to know which colleges track interest and to be sure to click through their emails, and sign up for different presentations, etc. I can’t imagine what first gen or low income kid would know to do this. Honestly, all these yield-protection games colleges play is really trying my goodwill.


Yessss!!! You can either go the total custom route and design your own by picking the drinkware, color, upload a logo/design or you can go with their collegiate line and add a name on the other side!!

Last year, as a Christmas present, my broker gave each agent in our office a customized rambler that had our brokerage name on one side and our our name on the other
I LOVE it!! And S21 is always “borrowing” it so that’s when I decided I was going to get him one in his school’s theme once we knew where he’s going to college :heart:


Many parents on CC are complaining about huge waitlists or increasing numbers of deferrals yet many kids refuse to give up spots for places they know they won’t attend. If your kid has gotten into 10 schools thus far, unless you are waiting for merit or are planning to visit, is it really that difficult to whittle down to 3-4 offers?

Maybe it’s not legally required but it’s the ethical choice to release a school your kid isn’t going to attend. Alway choose to be kind. Your kid’s safety may be another kids dream and your decline could make a difference in someone else’s life.

For the record, my D was accepted to all schools she applied to though they were all safety and targets. She’s chosen and we are going through the process of letting all the schools know so they can have a better picture of their fall. I get that actively letting them go is hard but they can only attend one school.


@CSJA2025 I couldn’t agree with you more. It’s just the right thing to do, unless there is a specific reason one can’t release, but to hold just to hold makes no sense. I basically got my head cut off for saying the same and was told I was being judgy since colleges don’t have a deadline until May 1 or May 3. Thanks for saying it so much more eloquently than I did! Sometimes it’s just hard for kids also to pull the NO trigger and need that encouragement from parents after they’ve worked so hard on those essays, etc. but it will be ok.


Looks like we have two camps on this with not much middle ground. I am in agreement with the “right thing to do” argument however, I completely understand the other point of view.
One thing I am also thinking about is that these kids have worked their butts off. The reward of an acceptance has got to feel pretty good. Given the sh*tshow of a year, holding onto that without as much consideration for the greater good makes sense to me. As a parent, what do you want your kid to takeaway from all of this?


It is March 5. Do you remember what you life was like on March 5 2020? Do you remember what your life was like on May 1 2020? I don’t blame a single student for waiting until the last minute to turn down offers.

Anything can change between March and May as we have all learned. Someone could lose a job, someone could get sick and die

These students followed the rules - they wrote the application, paid the fee, received an acceptance and have until May 1 to accept or decline. Why are people trying to push them to be turning down offers on March 5th?

The offer is open until May 1. There is nothing unethical or wrong with waiting to decline every acceptance until May1 and no one will convince me otherwise.


I think what people are saying is, if you have 10 acceptances and you KNOW a few of them are off the list, just turn those ones down. I don’t think anybody is saying make the big hard decision right now necessarily, but take care of some of the obvious ones. I think it’s a weird feeling for them to start ‘closing doors’ so to speak, but maybe doing it gradually as things unfold is a good thing.


Mine was also accepted to LSA Honors. Hurrah for our girls!


@bestmom888 that is insane! I cannot believe they are expecting prospective students to do this. What a rat race this process is!

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So happy for you! Congrats! Has she applied for the LSA four year renewable scholarships?

I saw that and wondered if the person was confused with EA but then it seems a few people got that request but I don’t think everyone did. Similarly to the postponed applicants where some were asked to do that with midterm grades submission not requested and some were only asked to submit grades.

It’s annoying as hell for those kids but maybe it’s better than asking them to flat out withdraw if they’re no longer interested as some other schools have done. Perhaps they figure that kids who just want to wait and see if they get in won’t take the time to write anything?

On the holding of acceptances, one part of that may be pure indecision. Schools not visited, etc. For my seniors, this entire process felt like it had a delayed start during quarantine, and then moved forward in slow motion. Really, really slow motion. Remember how much a senior can change in perspective between Nov and April? Well now it’s more like Jan to June lol.