Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Northwestern and UC aren’t really anywhere near one another technically. Northwestern is about half hour North of the City in Evanston which is a suburb and U-Chicago is about half hour South of the City on the South Side still in Chicago. This is all in no traffic so with traffic you’re look at much longer distance between the two and still having to go through downtown to get from one point to the other and no direct transportation to get from one to the other, although they can probably meet downtown when time. So it’s not really like they would be spending much time together if they both ended up in Chicago.

But, if they did end up in Chicago I guess that’s something at least.

Very interesting that U Chicago is going to their waitlist already. Maybe other similar schools will be notifying before May 1.


I actually know Northwestern pretty well so I know it’s pretty far removed from UChicago. He did the research on transit and stuff. Most of his high school classmates are along the eastern seaboard, so even if it’s in Evanston, he’s slightly comforted that he has someone from his class in the general vicinity.

I spent a summer in Chicago taking classes at Loyola back in my younger days (was dating a girl from Oak Park at the time) and then there was another summer in Milwaukee that I ended up visiting Chicago quite frequently. I haven’t been back to the city in a long time, but I’m guessing I will be back frequently in the next couple of years.

@Suave123 she is thinking UPenn! We live only about an hour away so It will be nice to have her near :grinning:


I’m jealous of all you guys with decisions. My S21 is “still processing.”


A lot would be my guess…lol

Here too!!!

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While they are actually pretty far geographically my S17 found that going to school in ‘Chicago’ - NU is technically not in the city- he actually did interact with peers at other local schools. There were some clubs that were open, overlapped or competed with clubs from U of C, Loyola. DePaul and UIC. Also went to a lot of parties that included students from throughout the Chicago schools. Kind of a combination of similar interests and people with hometown friends or siblings at the other schools. From friends with kids at schools in Boston it sounds like a similar dynamic. For what it’s worth it has been a great extra we did not count on. His 2 closest friends who he will live with after graduation are a U of C student and a Loyola student :slight_smile:

Omg this is driving me nutty. We finally sat down to do pros and cons on the final 3 - I’m asking, S is categorizing. He can’t wait to be done talking about it. He doesn’t seem anxious about going to college but isn’t really digging in or wrapping his head around it. Preoccupied with schoolwork and whatever else.


For a school academy points thing for our S23 and D24, I went on a virtual 5k with two other moms whose S21’s are good friends with my S21. They’re also undecided and the moms have no idea which schools they will go to. They’re huge swings, too—Berkeley to UCI to USC to Davis to Houston! The vibes and costs totally drastic. :joy:

I think I convinced one of them to at least drive her son to Riverside to tour all the campuses before 5/1 since that could be an option where he could thrive. I had driven the other kiddo to the other schools already two weeks ago.

I’m too type A so I made my son show me a spreadsheet and since he was so undecided at first, he got down to the GEs and four year plan. Probably overkill since he got into his #1 choice later. I think we just wanna know from a budget, moving logistics standpoint, etc. These things probably don’t hit the kids as hard as they hit us!


Reviewing courses right now. :grin: Ideally an academic advisor would provide input on this at the selected college but it helps to see some of the mandatory coursework unrelated to a major. My S was coasting on vibes, but looking over the map of the Boston subway system started to make things come alive. Hope you find your spark!


Last night my son accepted his admission to Williams!! After we visited his final 3, it just became obvious Williams was his match. So excited for all the opportunities available to him these next four years! Go Ephs!!:cow::purple_heart:


Congratulations! We’ll have to figure out a way to meet along with @purplemama. :cow::purple_heart:

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Does anyone know how to stop Suggested Threads from constantly being created? It’s starting to drive me nuts. So much work to get rid of!

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Does he know what he wants to study? The strength of each college is different also.

@aggie92 My son does. He’s got a few prereqs he would have to hit for what he wants to do post undergrad. This made it easier for him to plan 4 year schedule and do comparisons.

For his other friends, one has a similar track but the other one has no idea. His mom says maybe health fields but she’s doubtful he would stick with it.

My daughter accepted her admission to Wellesley. She is really excited! Thank you @smiles2122, I really appreciate all your help and advice!


This is us, too. Ds is burnt out from this year and with essays, labs, exams, presentations and research papers still remaining it’s all he can do to keep his eye on the finish line.

We’re down to two choices. Good luck to you.


DD is just like your son. She keeps putting off making a decision because she says she’s too busy with homework. We’re sitting down later today to discuss options. She’s finishing up boarding school in another state, which has made this college app season even more complicated.

Accepted - Wake Forest (50k/year), Texas A&M (Blinn Team, 30k/year), Fairfield University (Honors College, 43k/year with merit), UT Dallas (30k/year), SMU (spring admit, no FA package yet), Texas Tech (Honors College, 19k/year with merit)

Waitlisted - Davidson College, University of Richmond, University of Miami

Soft Denial - UT Austin (CAP - would have to complete first year at UT Arlington but would be guaranteed admission to UT Austin for sophomore year).

Denied - Dartmouth, Tufts

We can afford state school tuitions, but would need loans for the private schools. We are Texas residents but she was considered an OOS applicant because she attended boarding school in the Northeast. Thankfully, we still get to pay in-state tuition for Texas schools.

We really wanted her to choose Texas A&M but she doesn’t like it because she thinks it’s too conservative and she doesn’t like the campus. She loves UT Austin, but she doesn’t want to transfer from UT Arlington after freshman year. She also likes Wake Forest but doesn’t want ~80k in loans for undergrad. Also, we learned WF is known for grade deflation which would hurt her chances of med school admission. She’s leaning toward Texas Tech Honors College at this point because of its cost and some of the Honors College benefits (smaller classes, better dorms, early registration). She wants to do premed and TT would offer her opportunities to do paid research as well as offering shadowing opportunities at the local hospital.

My daughter repeated 11th grade in order to attend a rigorous boarding school in New England that offered her a very generous scholarship. She attended Texas public schools since kindergarten before this. She decided to leave behind her childhood friends in order to challenge herself academically in an intense college prep program. She was looking forward to spending time with NE family (cousins, aunts, grandparents) who live minutes away from her boarding school. The pandemic took virtually all family time away - she hasn’t been allowed to leave campus or have visitors since the beginning of the pandemic. She has grown a lot as a student and has worked hard to be on the dean’s list the entire time. She is grateful for the opportunity, despite being lonely and isolated. We are all heartbroken that she didn’t get into UT Austin (her dream school) because we didn’t know she would be considered an OOS applicant. Only 7% of OOS applicants were admitted to UT Austin this year and it is always particularly difficult to gain admittance to UT Austin as an OOS applicant anyways. She doesn’t want to do the CAP program because she is ready to settle down after transferring in high school already.

As parents, we wish she would choose A&M, but we know we can’t force her. She prefers Texas Tech over A&M. She ultimately knows grad schools are more affordable in Texas and going to an in-state university increases her chances of being admitted to Texas public grad schools. We don’t want to make the mistake we did by sending her OOS for boarding school. So, it seems, she’ll probably be heading to Texas Tech. She intellectually knows it’s the best choice but she’s not excited. Given what we know now, we all wish we had a “do over” so she could apply to some small LACs in Texas that offer good merit. I even suggested to my DD that she take a gap year and reapply next year, but she already feels behind because she chose to repeat 11th grade. The good news is we’ve heard good things about TT from alums. We hope she’ll one day grow to love it.


A very big thank you to @coffeeat3! I really don’t think I can thank you enough!