Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Yes. It said we were within 6 feet for at least 15 minutes.

Did the airline notify you too?

@aggie92 I think his parents are leaving it up to him. Heā€™s a USC legacy and his dad is a successful surgeon, so money may not be a barrier. I could see how if money wasnā€™t an issue, USC would be a better fit, but they have to figure that out as a family.

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No, not so far.

Kind of concerning.

How would the airline even know?


No idea but if you test positive and youā€™ve been on an airplane wouldnā€™t you be obligated to tell the airline so they can inform the people who were close to you?

Not saying they would but how does the notification work? Does the positive person input their positive test result into the app? If they do that shouldnā€™t they tell the airline too? Or is the app thru the state so the state would handle the notification.

I havenā€™t flown since November 2019 for just this reason. Thereā€™s no consistent contact tracing no matter what the state or feds tell you.

@CollegeYaYa I attended A&M in the 80s and managed to find my tribe as a fairly liberal kid from California. But, it took some work to find them, and the country has become a lot more partisan since then. So, if she has more liberal options (and honestly you can count on one or two hands the schools that are less liberal) that work for her intended majors, she might do well to consider them strongly. If she decides to attend A&M, itā€™s a big school and sheā€™s sure to find some clubs with people and activities she enjoys.


I agree, contact tracing is inconsistent. I flew recently for the first time since March 2020 and I didnā€™t notice any mechanism for notifying the airline of something like that after flying. Thatā€™s cool that the app was able to notify you.

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Iā€™ve continued to fly regularly (at least 4 flight segments per month) since June 2020 (mostly on Delta but also AA) and have not been contact traced a single time via those two carriers. Not once which is shocking ! The good news is airplane travel has not appeared to be a vector of confirmed virus transmission or we most certainly would have heard about cases/outbreaks. Itā€™s quite astonishing & telling considering although masks are required to board, they are removed for eating and drinking, which for some means most of the flight. People are sitting inches away from a stranger in many cases for hours in an enclosed cabin ā€¦ yet widespread restrictions still exist in other industries & aspects of life in some states ? :thinking:

What is your point?

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I think widespread restrictions apply in other industries/situations because few places have the sophisticated air filtration/ventilation systems that airplanes do.


Was just about to say the same. Airline travel is the safest kind of air out there and thatā€™s why there are so few confirmed cases of transmission of covid.

Also re contact tracing for travel. Iā€™ve recently booked numerous flights and have noticed that they are now asking for more info in relation to providing a contact number as making it easier to contract trace. Opting in I believe. Itā€™s smart they are doing this.

We had someone kicked off our flight for refusal to wear a mask. Unfortunately thatā€™s not happening on all flights as my daughter recently flew home and the couple next to her werenā€™t wearing masks, were never asked by the flight attendants to put them on and my daughter who is pretty introverted was so bothered by it that she actually asked them and they did it. Of course one of the people only did for a little bit the other guy did it for longer but she was texting me the entire time how bad it was. Thankfully she was vaccinated. The flight was full and there was no where else to go but prior to being vaccinated when possible and because flights were much cheaper we found it worthwhile to just upgrade the kids when flying alone so they didnā€™t have to deal with this bs or at least be further away than an inch from the people!


Or people do get sick but thereā€™s no reporting mechanism and the airlines donā€™t track it. Per @Creaky recent experience. The only way an airline will know of a Covid case is if itā€™s self reported.


Sorry, I meant most of his classmates going to the US will be going to schools back East (Boston, NYC, DC, Philadelphia and Virginia). S21 and the Northwestern kid would be the only ones headed to Chicago.

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My son will be going to Texas Techā€¦Wreck ā€˜Em!!!

I have a close friend whose son was excepted to UT Austin and Texas Techā€™s direct USMI program with the highest level of merit possible (he got a 36 on his ACT and was a high stats student in high school, tied for valedictorian I believe)ā€¦additional departmental scholarship aid covered his complete cost of attendance for 4 years (he was accepted to Honors College also)ā€¦no brainer, right? The kid was adamant on UT (accepted to CNS Neuroscience premed track), parents said no way youā€™re passing all that up, especially not having to take MCAT! Reluctantly he took the Tech offer and by the end of his freshman year thanked his parents in tears for making sure he made the right decision. He LOVES Tech/Lubbock now. Finished his undergrad , did a masters in Public Health (graduated both with zero debtā€¦parents were able to foot the bill for the year long masters degree since undergrad was covered) and is now in Med School at TTUHSC.

Talking with my friendā€™s son helped my own son feel comfortable about attending Techā€¦we really are excited about all the possibilities there (heā€™ll be a business major). The campus is beautiful, so much prettier than TAMU I must admit!


Iā€™d go to Texas Tech just for that lazy riverā€¦Iā€™d spent four years of undergrad floating on those tubes!

(Aka as ā€œsilliest reason to choose a collegeā€ but man, that lazy river is something!)


My son is kind of excited about it too lol :laughing:


Anyone dealing with scheduling conflicts? D21 had one option for orientation and it is the day of graduation rehearsal. She has emailed the coordinators to see what she can do, but midweek in early June seems like a hard time for seniors.

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decision timeā€¦for a NYC family

U of Michigan, USC (Calif) or BC ? Best overall academic life, safety, and business career growth thereafter ? Visited all 3, but seeking insight

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