Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 2)

Here ya go - not particularly well-traveled. Hoping more people participate after 5/1


The backpack story is priceless!!

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Thank you!

I might end up being the last parent to know where their kid is going!


Iā€™m right there with you!


Iā€™m still waiting to know too. You are not alone!


My son is pretty much decidedā€¦ he has stopped investigating other schoolsā€¦ but he doesnā€™t want to push the commit button yet, eitherā€¦


Itā€™s hard that it feels that way. Honestly, I thought we would be right here with you, waiting for an appeal. I think a lot of students wait until the very last day, and youā€™re not alone.


Same here! Still far from a decision. The way it worked out, we werenā€™t able to go to admitted student days until the second half of April. Going to 2 this weekend - right down to the wire!


My son says he is committed, wears the college shirt and still hasnā€™t pushed the commit link on the admitted student website. I think after all the work that went into getting acceptances, there can be a reluctance to formally say no to the places that wanted you and limit optionality any sooner than is required.


Same. Heā€™s between a basically unknown school by the beach or a well known school with snow. Both totally different.


U of Jax ? Not unknown. Great college hoop teams back in the day.

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At his school and in our extended family circle, Syracuse is the more well known name over Jacksonville U is what he means.

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This was my son last year! I resorted to texting him photos of badgers to nag without nagging lol.


Iā€™m an alumn - and thatā€™s correct - it is.

But as I always say and look at my own team - weā€™re all working for Fairleigh Dickinsonā€¦that includes the Harvard Law grad who somehow has an IT background, the Vandy MBA and more.

One doesnā€™t get a position in society simply because of the school they attended.

People always forget that.


They come lined or unlined.

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My D got her long-awaited acceptance to SUNY ESF. Sadly, the cost is high even with tuition match and a scholarship due to expensive room and board charges and additional fees. Iā€™m having a hard time justifying the cost in my mind. I keep thinking her interests could change or she might not have the science aptitude, and she would be very limited there. Ugh.

Meanwhile, she got the nice surprise of an acceptance to LSUā€™s honors college and a scholarship that would bring it into range of most of her other acceptances. My personal ideal is an honors college at a bigger school. The sad thing about it is the situation is that she has never visited. May 1 is right around the corner and when I tried to find flight that might work they were pricey. Not sure what to do.

I think Ursinus is off the list.

Maybe itā€™s time for a family meeting so we can gauge Dā€™s feelings about her options at this point.


Oh, that sucks about ESF but yay on LSU!
There are a ton of YouTube videos, Iā€™m sure.
Does she have any leanings toward big-state-flagship? Or any things that give her pause?
You know Iā€™m all about big state u - I went there, D19 is at WVU and S23 will be at Bama. My thinking is that big schools are perfect for all the big things, and can be made smaller. You canā€™t make a small school bigger.

ETA - flying into New Orleans and renting a car might be cheaper?


I was looking into flight to NO and renting a car from both Philly and Newark. I know the price might be higher because itā€™s last minute, but there are also not as many direct flights as I expected.


Check southwest - for NO (New Orleans)? Confused about the Philly/Newark aspect then thoā€¦