Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 2)

I almost always add, she had lots of options and got into every school she applied to but this school was the best fit financially and academically. I shouldn’t really do that. My daughter is totally happy and has no prestige issues …


I’m circling back to thank you all again and to share that Furman is S23’s choice. He had already committed when I asked here for thoughts about his options. It was me who felt unsure. Not because it doesn’t feel like the best fit for him – we all agree it does.

DH and I were such state school people; we knew nothing of LACs. As S got closer to actually putting in apps for his list of large publics, I had a worried mama moment and encouraged him to add a couple of smaller schools. Elon, cut from his list after a meh visit (our fault), went back on, and Furman, which looked good “on paper,” came on as a dark horse. When we finally made it to Furman in February, it changed what DH and I thought college could be. And it must’ve done the same for S. We had visited Auburn for the second time during the same long weekend, and he said he left there thinking, “I can see myself here.” Then after being at Furman, he felt it was the one.

But because of the relatively high cost (which DH has reassured me about), and because essentially ALL of this is a hope, a best guess, a projection, I feel nervous (so “me”!) along with feeling happy for him and proud of him. I could list many apparent positives about every one of his acceptance schools. Every one could be a great choice. But I feel like DH and I could list – and most importantly! – S could list more apparent positives for him right now about Furman. So, the deposit is paid, the orientation day is chosen, and move-in day is on the calendar. (I’m gonna need a box of tissues.)


So basically don’t be one of those people that try to contact your child’s college professors. As a famous person once said…‘Ain’t nobody got time for that!’


You might find yourself saying it more later on. We’ve had people questioning why D18 is pursuing a low paying career as a ballet dancer and we often find ourselves noting that at least in part it’s because she had a full ride in college and can afford to do so with her 529 money.


Congratulations! We really loved Furman when we visited last year! It is beautiful! The alumni we know from there are outstanding people. Wishing your son the best!


Thank you!

You guys are all cracking me up with people’s rude comments and blank stares over your child’s college choices. My son goes to a small religious private school. When I’m asked where he’s attending and I respond, “Berkeley,” I get a horrified look from people and then they launch into things like, “oh no!.. well, he’ll be ok… he’s a good boy… do you really think that’s a good idea?.. well, I suppose it will be good for physics…” :joy: :joy: :joy: Rest assured, regardless of the type of college your child chooses, some will think it’s a terrible choice and share that with your child. My son has been thoroughly schooled in homeless people, radical leftist professors, student protests, and general craziness at “Berzerkeley” over the last few weeks.


Yeah I have two who are going to be HS teachers. In this climate people might think they are crazy, but both will start that without debt. I think they will be fine as long as they are in the state.


Congrats! S23 really like Furman. In the end he was choosing between Furman and UGA and ultimately chose UGA. Furman was hard to turn down, though!

Thanks! Congrats on UGA – there’s SO MUCH to like there!


We just visited UGA yesterday and all I can say is WOW!! Athens was so nice and fun and the campus, though HUGE was awesome too! It is a very high reach but S24 is putting on his list anyway. Huge congrats to your son.


Out of curiosity, what colleges does the crowd with these reactions think are the best choices?

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Christian schools of various sizes, Hillsdale, Gordon college, Whitman, Baylor, TCU, some Jesuits in a pinch… :joy: I don’t have a problem at all with a small Christian school, I teach at one, but that wasn’t the appropriate type of college for my competitive stem kid. S26 will probably go to a small lac or Christian school because that will be better for him.


Whitman is not a Christian school, no religious affiliation; perhaps you are thinking of Whitworth?


Yes, sorry… that’s the one!


There are too many LACs with W names here out west! I always get mixed up between the Whittiers and Whitworths and Whitmans and Willamettes! :grinning:


How exciting! Our S19 graduates in a few weeks in film. He also passed on the school giving him the most money (oos full ride at Univ of Michigan!), and opted for the top school for film production. He’s so happy he did. Congratulations and good luck to your D!

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Hope this encourages some who find their student in a similar situation next year.

D23 applied to 13 schools, majority of them through Questbridge. She was rejected by all, except her in-state auto admit. Her first denial was EA to UNC (not deferred, denied outright). Immediately she applied to a school previously removed from her list (out of our range based on NPC results).

As deferral/denial emails kept coming, we found out the in state auto admit wasn’t going to be affordable. She was a bit discouraged, but willing to do CC then transfer.

Then the last application came through with an acceptance and merit scholarship! SMU was the only school that had her exact major (fashion media), but was too expensive to keep on her list initially. Now it will be very affordable for us. We’re so grateful!

Good luck to everyone still deciding! Congratulations to those who already have!


Glad it worked out!