Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 2)

To answer the earlier questions based on my son’s top 2, Csse Western deposit is $500 and U Albany is $275. I’m not sure when housing deposits are due but prepping to keep the credit card on hand for that too (and then I should pretty much keep it handy for the next 4 years…)

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Thank you! Best wishes to your talent children!

Thanks to all on this thread who suggested, commented, encouraged and pointed us in the right direction. This 1st time college mom has learned so much from you all over the last year, and I’m very grateful for each bit of wisdom and kind word.

D23 was offered admission at some amazing schools (UCB, UCSB, UCD) and was also offered a full tuition scholarship to a SLAC that showed her a lot of love and has much to offer her.

After many visits, questions, research and thought, she has decided to SIR at the SLAC. I cannot tell you how proud I am that she had the courage to walk away from ‘prestige’ and choose what works best for who she is as a student.

I’m especially grateful to those of you who shared stories of your own student’s journeys, particularly those that made the unconventional choice. There is so much pressure for these kids to take the highest and most popular road, when sometimes what might serve them best is the path of least resistance.

:heart:Finally, for those that taught us to 'love the school that loves you back" a very special thanks! :heart:



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If she does well at her SLAC, she’ll still end up where she would had she gone for prestige. Plus, she and you will have saved a ton of dough.


I’m curious - and I’m sure after a great message like that, others are too.

Care to share where?

Congrats to your student - and your retirement :slight_smile:


She will not regret this!!! Congratulations to you both!

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It’s getting discovered! The cost of houses have certainly risen since my D19 started school there. But that’s not necessarily a bad thing. When we first visited GJ to look at Colorado Mesa I was a little unsure. It certainly has it’s sketchy parts—just seems like fewer of them now. My D19 is staying there until she, hopefully, gets into med school somewhere.


Any news?

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Rooooollllll Tide Roll!! What’s not to love!?! :slight_smile:


You just described Huntsville Alabama … but don’t tell anyone!

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Yep, if we had 4 kids in college, under the new FAFSA, our EFC would be higher than our income.


Unfortunately, many magazines list it as the best place for young people - so in 10/20 years, all that will be gone - well the low cost of living part.

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Congratulations on her decision!

I’m curious, what made her decide against CCS?

GJ is booming as people who can’t afford to buy along the Front Range (Colorado Springs to Fort Collins) move there in droves. One of my friends works in Denver during the week and commutes back to her home in GJ on the weekends. The eastern plains of Colorado are cheaper, but she was determined to be in/near the mountains.

Our home has tripled in value and we’ve seriously been thinking about cashing out and moving somewhere cheaper.

We went to a great admitted students day on Friday and I thought this meant the decision was done, but now it’s Tuesday and my daughter still hasn’t pulled the trigger and says she’s still undecided. What is she waiting for? This decision paralysis is killing me! I guess maybe it’s just so hard for these kids to take the next step.

(I remember reading a similar post last week but can’t find it)


They’ve heard of Reed, and Whitman and L&C. But people out here generally are not that impressed by those names because there is a lack of familiarity and understanding about LACs.
Of course, this is the uninformed crowd. So, it depends on your social circle. Well educated people understand that Whitman is full of super bright kids. Microsoft hires them, so they know.

For the masses, college is something more associated with big-time football Saturday’, big Greek systems (you’d be amazed at how strongly being in the Greek system screams “COLLEGE LIFE” to the average person out here) and names that everybody has heard of because of big-time sports. Why would you go to Reed when you can just go to Oregon State?

So, again, if they live here, of course they’ve heard of the schools; they just don’t really understand what they are.


I’m a strong supporter of LACs (that’s usually where my husband teaches), but I don’t like the feel of the “just” in this sentence.

I think you were making a point about other people’s attitudes not yours, but “just go” seems really dismissive of a great school which many students happily choose to attend.

I know that wasn’t your intent. It’s just a reminder for when we talk about colleges.


My daughter was in the same situation until about a week ago. She loved both visits at the school she suspected she would love from the start (her best friend’s older sister is a graduate, so my daughter has heard wonderful things about it since about 8th grade). Turns out that she just couldn’t pull the trigger because it meant that THIS IS REALLY HAPPENING. She will be moving to another state, living with a stranger, away from her dogs, boyfriend, best friends, family and her own room. It’s A LOT.
She was about to head on vacation with a friend for April break, and I had encouraged her to make a final decision before leaving so she relax and let things sink in while she laid on the beach. The night before she left, she said, “Okay. I’m read to commit, but I don’t want you to make a big announcement or anything”. She let us tell grandparents, and no one else. That made me a little nervous. 2 days later, I started seeing congratulatory messages to her posted on IG - her friends were so excited for her, which in turn made her very excited! She has now totally embraced her decision.
I’m sure there will be more nerves and maybe some tears (hers and mine) as we close in on move in day, but it wasn’t the school itself that was the issue. It was the reality of it all.


This is 100% my S23’s issue. He has even articulated it. He feels he got ripped off on high school (with the moves and COVID shutdowns) and wishes he had two more years at high school. He will have to move states again and in his words “start over again.” I feel for him.

On the other hand, the clock is ticking!

My husband made a last ditch attempt to get the Catholic LAC to raise its merit offer considering what we are seeing at Baylor, but they don’t really have a developed system there. They aren’t even reaching out to S23 at all (despite his being one of 25 students admitted to the Honors Program which is super small and selective and another small, selective specialty program.) No swag, no nothing. Meanwhile Alabama, where he has declined, is still sending Roll Tide swag (which I happily add to my pile of Bama gear.) Another small Catholic LAC is also still putting on the hard sell.

It is upsetting my husband a lot that the Catholic LAC is dropping the ball, but I told him that at some point, you have to accept the college is “just not that into you.”