Parents of the HS Class of 2023 (Part 2)

D23 is almost ready to hit the commit on Northeastern ( Belfast) but the margin is so razor thin with Case Western that I want her to sit with it for at least a day. The admitted student events at both campuses were absolutely amazing (we were at Case April 6th and 7th but due to HS theater conflicts weren’t able to make it to Northeastern until Saturday) - they both did an excellent job at showing D23 potential paths for her life there and had opportunities to hear from professors and current students in her planned major - Biochemistry.
D23 was so excited about the new Biochem computational health science track at Case that I was sure that Case would win out but the Biochem student panel at NU did a terrific job at highlighting the different research and clinical coops that the Biochem students had done and she finds the Plus One option in Bioinformatics intriguing. She also really wants to study abroad and was drawn to initially because she thinks it will be easier to do early on with her major/research goals.
I love both choices for her but honestly just purely looking at it from the mom perspective I’d be more comfortable if she was at Case (they even had the captain of the intramural soccer team e-mail D23 - such a nice touch - they really know the way to this mama’s heart). We’ve always told her this is 100% her decision and we’ll stick to that (it’s just more difficult in reality than theory).


Thank you and virtual hugs coming your way too!


Indulge me this one bit of advice: if she makes it off the waitlist at Bryn Mawr, I STRONGLY encourage you to get her there before writing it off. MHC is wonderful, but Bryn Mawr is just as good, just as beautiful and, IMHO, in a better location. If you send her to South Hadley with a car, then that helps. But the Main Line area of Philly, and access to Philly itself, are real bonuses in BM’s favor, and the consortium to which BM belongs is, again IMHO, one of which she is much more likely to take advantage. Haverford is right there, and there is a lot of crossover. You also have access to Penn.


Mine has committed to Tulane!:green_heart: She had some great choices of LACs, a couple of state schools, and a late March RD from Emory Oxford, but nothing else generated the excitement that Tulane and NOLA did! We are happy and excited for her! Congratulations to all of your kids who have made their choices, and prayers for those still trying to decide!


Agreed - that’s why she hasn’t withdrawn from the WL. Especially if the $$ is significantly better, alot of the traditions and “vibe” I expect would be similar to MHC.

The hard part would be timing - if it is in early May (where most of the WL movement happens), with a short window to respond it’s going to be REALLY tough - starting next week she has 7 AP tests within an 11 or 12 day window, and a big school banquet the weekend between. Then her senior trip 10 days later.

Visiting once school is out at Bryn Mawr she wouldn’t necessarily get a true feel for the school, though - I’ve already looked at flights. Not trying to stress her out unnecessarily, but I’m definitely trying to figure out the logistics “just in case”. There’s been alot of WL movement - and while Case is known for it, I’m seeing on here and elsewhere alot of schools that don’t often take WL students are already taking some even BEFORE May 1st. And the WL from Bryn Mawr was a surprise - she had almost lumped it in as a “safety” (ish?)


Fantastic news. Being excited is the best! And I can understand about loving the city. My son will be right next door at Loyola.


As the parent of a student committed to attending GW in the fall, this is not what I want to hear. We had a great tour when we visited last year and my kiddo didn’t feel the need to return for admitted students day. In a GW parent FB group, I have heard some families have had great experiences with the admitted students days and a few have not.

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I have always wondered if those low income kids at the Ivy’s are getting 100% full ride with no loans and/or work study. I would bet they still have regular loans and work study.

I can’t speak for the other ivies, but Penn doesn’t include student loans in its financial aid package. COA is covered by institutional grants and scholarships. Work study is offered though.


Just a note to those accepted to GW:

GW students who are the most satisfied (content, happiest, thriving) based on my S21’s experience and his peers are those with pretty independent personality types.

S21 didn’t have option of attending an accepted student day (Covid was still big issue everywhere) there, and he was totally okay with that when he arrived in campus later in August. He thankfully had toured in Fall 2019).

GW is not a place for wooing students that’s for sure. Kids rely on each other via support systems (roommates, classmates, teachers, older students, and organizations or affiliations) to figure things out.

Just my .02 to give better idea of GW vibe.
My S is very happy at GW. Sure it has its faults but he has absolutely no regrets attending.


It depends on the school and the need. Some will meet 100% demonstrated need without loans or work study figured in; sometimes, that kicks in at a certain “under” income level.

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Many of the Ivies have gone to a no loan policy. So, unless the student decides they want to take the loan out for personal expenses or personal reasons, they don’t have to do it to pay a school bill.

Also, work study is usually meant to provide money for books and incidentals. Would not be at all surprised by students taking work study for exactly that - books/incidentals. Same as students who don’t qualify for work study also still getting a job to earn money for the same reasons.

Many of the Ivies tho - also include a stipend for travel and even appropriate winter coat/clothes for students who qualify for the schools’ ‘full need met’ full ride.

Edited to Add:


I’m certain my son would’ve been happy at GW. I suspect he made the decision mostly on the financial side. It’s pretty hard to turn down the full tuition the the state of Georgia offers for UGA! And even with merit, GW is still expensive.

Was GW’s admitted students day the best that we attended? No, but I don’t think UGAs was either, and he’s happy with his decision. I’m not sure that admitted student days or tours should be the end all - be all that people make them out to be. They’re just a snap shot.


There are 20 schools that provide no loan financial aid which I think includes most of the Ivies plus Hopkins and Vanderbilt among others.


I think Cornell might be the only Ivy not on the no-loan list.

Sorry - I know that George Washington students are very happy - and I’m glad that yours is too! You are right that it’s the right school for an independent type of kid - which doesn’t describe my daughter at all. I hope those who chose GW have a great experience and it’s the right school for your kids!

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W&L and Davidson are included - reasons we sought them out.

No apologies needed. :blush:
Just wanted to let others know that it can be the right school for many but not for all.
I’m glad your D has insight as to what she needs and doesn’t need.
Best wishes to her and all 2023’s for their remaining weeks of high school, and for their next academic chapters. It’s an exciting but nerve wracking time. :crazy_face:


Thank you! That makes me feel better.

We visited two times in person and once online, so we figured we had the demonstrated interest down. :upside_down_face: The head of admissions said that the interview wasn’t necessary but perhaps things changed as they began to realize the enormous number of applications coming in. I don’t know.

Anyway, my highly anxious child could not bring themselves to do the interview and applied to a program with a 10% acceptance rate. I think they could do the interview at this point but they were not mentally prepared for that a year ago.

It’s a fab school, and I hope your 23 has fun! Go Orange! I loved the Orange who followed us around on campus. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thanks for the link - I hadn’t seen this compiled anywhere. I would add that families should check the current policies at private schools, as other schools are working toward this goal and these lists are sometimes outdated. I know that Rice is also now loan-free as of 2021, and I believe a few others that I haven’t had time to check.

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