parents, please help me with the list!!

<p>GPA:3.2, ACT 27
SAT:1800, APBIO-4, APENG.3. Now doing AP CHEM and APCAL. My GPA JUNIOR 2ND SEMESTER WAS 3.78. nOW AS SENIOR, GETTING ALL A's. Will do SAT this oct. No need for financial aid. International.</p>

<p>My college list: safety: Arizona state, University of illinois-chicago, Purdue
target: univ.of illinois, urbana, penn state, georgia tech, texas a m, case western, rutgers, brunswik, worcester poly, uni.of.wisconsin</p>

<p>reach:carnegie, northwestern, johns hopkins, univ.of rochester.</p>

<p>I am interested in Chemical/Bio engineering</p>

<p>Thanks. I read all your comments and I would like to know what you think</p>

<p>What is the breakdown of your SATI?</p>

<p>Have you taken or will you need to take TOEFL?</p>

<p>Do you have a class rank that puts your GPA in a more favorable context? (The upward trend is good.)</p>

<p>What about SATIIs?</p>

<p>Going only on what you have stated so far, I have the feeling that some of your target schools are quite reachy for you, and your reaches are more like super-reaches. But I could well be wrong. It will be interesting to see what others think.</p>

<p>CR: 550:M:610:W:580
SAT2.PHY:630, SAT2 BIO:620
Will be taking sat reasong in oct and act on oct 25. also sat 2 in math 2</p>


<p>First, you need to report your stats consistently. Over your various chances threads, you have reported your SAT scores at least 3 different ways, including on this one which adds up to 1740, not 1800. And you have listed your gpa as 3.2 some places and 3.4 others.</p>

<p>That said, (as I explained in your other thread) your SAT scores are going to hold you back from your reach schools. Even URochester, the least reachy on your list has 25:75 SAT scores of:
CR 600-700
M 630-720</p>

<p>You need to go int PR or some other website that lists SAT scores and gpa's of accepted students and find more schools where you are at least within the middle 50% range.</p>

<p>Penn state is not a safety if you want the Main Campus. It is a reach, or else you can do the 2+2 program,</p>

<p>Thanks entomom. I am sorry for that mix of numbers. I have to say that the GPA is 3.2. Also I rounded off 1740 to 1800. I shoun not have done that. Sorry. Anyway I am working extremely hard for SAT and I hope to get much higher scores. I will let you know in October. My councelor in my american international school suggested this list. I have my doubts, but she says its a good one. Thats why I am asking for your opinions. I have started working on the essays and am planning to apply early to most of them. </p>

<p>The councelor said that the idea of a reach school is to go beyound your scores. I am confused. Please help with some reach schools.</p>

<p>Thanks. You are a very sincere and smart person.</p>

<p>There are degrees of reaches, for instance: sky high, moderate and slight. The main problem I see with your reaches is that they are ALL competitive schools where you are within the lower 25% of their test (and likely gpa) range. I think it would be OK to have one reach in this range, but would not recommend that they all be such a stretch. One thing you can do is to search for last year's "Official results" threads for these schools. I would be surprised if you found any unhooked accepted students with CR or M scores in the mid 500s.</p>

<p>Yes I understand. Is it ppossible to suggest some other reach schools please?

<p>You have your reach schools - they are on your list as matches. U of Illinois-UC, Case Western, Penn State and Wisconsin-Madison are reach schools for you. On your "reach list" you are aiming too high. Keep Rochester and possibly one other, and refocus your search for matches.</p>

<p>Just as an example of how reachy your reaches are - from the admissions statistics <a href=""&gt;;/a> for the School of Science at Carnegie Mellon:</p>

<p>SAT v 630-730 SAT m 710-790 SAT w 640-720 rank 5% GPA 3.67</p>

<p>Furthermore the acceptance rate is 34.7%.</p>

<p>I don't know what your rank is, but you are under in every section of the SAT, a full 100 points in math. Your GPA is also below median (though they may forgive a poor freshman year.) From where I am sitting unless you have unusual ECs, stellar recommendations and a great essay, there's no reason to think it's a realistic reach.</p>

<p>BTW, you'll need a second SAT2 for Carnegie Mellon.</p>

<p>A 1740 rounded to the nearest 100 would be 1700, not 1800. That's wishful thinking, not rounding.</p>

<p>Your TOEFL score is 108? I'm assuming that is computer-based.
The minimum computer-based TOEFL at Purdue is 213.
Arizona State: 173</p>

<p>It looks as if that would be your biggest stumbling block. Paging through the PR college guide, 150 seems to be the lowest score accepted anywhere (University of the Pacific), including places where your GPA and SAT/ACT put you solidly in the middle 50%. </p>

<p>If schools are going to require TOEFL of you, it looks as if that is what you should be retaking, not the SATs.</p>