<p>“Let me start with a little back story. I’m a high school senior applying to colleges, never been to a party, never had a girlfriend, or did any fun things in high school because of my overprotective parents, and it brings up a world of regret thinking about all the things I missed out on. I figured that I’d make it up in college, yet my parents have other plans.”
Lol they sound like my parents</p>
<p>“My mom is adamant on me living at home. She doesn’t believe in any college experience, mainly because she never had it, my parents are immigrants from the Soviet Union. To my mom its all about the money saved, while I agree that you do save money, those who commute lose much more out of their lives that you just can’t put a price on.”</p>
<p>Yeah like time, its not even close, you will have difficulty get good grades if you commutte 8-10 hours a week unless you want no life especially if your in a tougher program</p>
<p>“My parents think that I’m not ready to live on my own, I completely disagree. I mean honestly, how is living with them another four years going to change that? If according to my mom, after 18 years with them, I’m not ready to live on my own, what will 4 more do? Absolutely nothing, I’ll be a wreck. My home is not a good studying environment. Ive constantly got my parents nagging me, along with my little sister. I’ll be a mental wreck if I commute.”
Yes you will</p>
<p>“My biggest fear about commuting, in fact one of the biggest fears Ive had in my life is the fact that I won’t know anyone. All of my friends are moving away, and I feel that by commuting, I’ll be repeating high school sitting at home. I feel like I’ll never go to a party, have a girlfriend, etc.”
Still possible to have a life just more challenging, as opposed to what you may think 90% of people at any given time are not dating, 50% of girls are not even open to it, this changes after college and 90% of girls have either not found their dream man and will take whatever they can get</p>
<p>“I live in a suburb of Philly, my mom wants me to commute to Drexel, which would we about a one hour trip each way, so I’d be spending two hours each day just driving. I don’t know what to do, how can I prove to my mom that dorming is almost necessary, because up to this point she is ignoring everything I bring up”"
You can’t just do what you gonna do, these kind of over protective parents will never just say ok, live on your own you have to say I’m living on residence end of story. Your mom will never say ok go live on residence we don’t want you around anymore</p>