Paris Scholar Program

I was offered to participate in the Paris Scholar Program but I haven’t heard of others who had gotten in the program as well. I am also a little skeptical wether to take this opportunity or not. Anyone else in the same position?

hey @AthenaCA, I was rejected from GW but accepted to the PSP as well. I honestly know nothing about it but you’re the only other person I’ve heard of that’s in the same boat. just out of curiosity, where are you from? feel free to PM me if you’d rather not talk on the public forum. I’m basically just looking for any info at all at this point!

Same here! Does anyone know exactly how to apply for the program? It’s kinda vague.

I was accepted as well! I really want to go, so does anyone know much about it? I’ve really only heard of USC’s programs and not GW’s.

If you want more info on it. You can find it at GW’s admissions posted a video on the Paris Scholars Program!

You spend a year in Paris at a not very demanding English speaking university and you have an opportunity to apply as a transfer.
Paris is awesome and you’ll become fluent in French, you’ll have a tight knit group of friends, and you’ll have one extra year to show what you’re worth academically (ie’, you better get a 3.3+) BUT it’s a year long test (grades, behavior), you’ll have to get accustomed to GWU as a transfer and you’ll have to renounce spending all 4 years at another college.

I’ll just post here what I messaged Bl3001 “Hey! It’s nice to see someone in the same boat as me! I’m from a town called Ocala, Florida, It’s about 1 1/2 hours north of Orlando. I think I was chosen to participate in the scholars program because I’ve traveled around the world since I was young, I visit Greece almost every year and I visit other European countries as well, even France. Do you have any particular reason why you think you were chosen? I’ve researched this program extensively and I believe it would be smart to do this to transfer into GW. You can knock out a bunch of the general education requirements at GW while attending AUP. I’ve also read that AUP does not have extremely rigorous classes so it may be smarter to get those classes out of the way in a calmer environment. The only real question for anyone wanting to attempt this program Is can you handle the distance from your family. Where are you from? Are you seriously considering this program? At the moment it seems to be my #1 option but I still am waiting to hear from 10 schools.” So at this moment I’ve decided that I WILL be doing this program! It’s cheaper than other colleges and is such an amazing program, so many places to visit and cultural experiences. There is a webinar on April 10 if you’re interested in learning more.

Hey @AthenaCA Thank you for sharing!! I’m about 90% positive that I’ll be attending the Paris scholars program as well. You should PM me!

if people are talking in more detail about this please loop me in!! I’m basically looking for any info available. also, I’m curious as to what everyone’s stats are. maybe that has something to do with why we were selected/chosen for this program?

@AthenaCA and I were talking about it today on PM. We are really considering it. You can send us a PM and we can start a group chat or something.

I had a 3.9 UW and 33 ACT. I’m planning to double major in political science and international business. Also, I took French during middle school and the first 2 years of high school.

yeah I would love to talk to you guys!! @AthenaCA and I followed each other on social media and everything so I’d be happy to do the same with you! where are you from?

Okay great! I don’t know how to PM on this haha. It would be great if you could send out a PM to me. I’m from WA

Since I have both of you on insta do you want me to just make a group on insta between us?

If anyone else would like to join our chat please PM me your insta username or if you do not have an insta let me know and perhaps I could start a groupme instead!

Hey, I’m currently in PSP and I can answer any questions you have! PM me if you want to know about something in particular or you want to know what it’s really like!

Hi everyone, I’m currently a high school senior and was chosen for GW’s PSP program! I’m seriously considering it and would love to hear about your experiences. My main concern is return to GW after my freshman year and being able to make friends. Please lmk and tips or advice you would have!! My email is if you’d rather reach me there.

Hi all, I saw this thread started back in 2019. So did anyone actually take this program at end? Can anyone shed some lights? Is it a good program? GW has hefty tuition feed, so does this program worth the money? Thank you!