Parking in Madison

<p>So, for the first time in 3 years, I won't have a parking permit for one of the campus lots when commuting into Madison. </p>

<p>I live far off campus (probably too far to bike comfortably). I do have a Spree that I could get a permit for during the summer--but it's a little too slow even if I plan my route accordingly. My other scooter is too big to get a moped permit for. </p>

<p>I should know all the good parking spots by now, but I've never really had to deal with it so I'm not really informed. </p>

<p>I've found that Charter/Mills is usually full...Even the spots in Brooks that cost 1.50/hour were full today, so I couldn't make it to class. If you were in my situation and needed a consistent spot to park, where would you go? I would never need more than 2 hours. I would rather have a fairly long, consistent walk than an uncertain parking location nearby. </p>

<p>Are there any less desired spots along Monroe or on the other side of Regent (that residential area) that are almost always available? Would anyone notice if I parked in Dean's Clinic or the McDonald's on Mills/Regent? </p>

<p>I'm a comp sci/accounting major. So my ultimate destination is usually CS dept or Business school. </p>

<p>Thanks for any help!</p>

<p>If you’re willing to walk a bit, you might try the parking lot at Brittingham Park (W. Wash and Park St). You could then trek it up Park St to Grainger…15-20 min? Another alternative might be the little strip mall at the corner of Regent and W. Wash. You’d be just south of the Kohl on the other side of the SW Commuter path and could either take that or E. Campus Mall to where you need to be…10-15 min? McDonald’s at Mills/Reg is probably a pretty safe bet too though…</p>

<p>Thanks scout. I parked at the Brittingham lot today and it was great–it’s 3 hour parking so I didn’t have to rush either.</p>