Parking Permits

<p>So I just signed up for a parking permit, and I was placed on the waitlist. What are the chances for acutally getting a permit? I really NEED my car!</p>

<p>Oh yeah, and there seems to be a vareity of places where I can choose from (regarding garages, lots, etc…) which ones do you reccomend?</p>

<p>I'm kind of in the same boat as you. I applied like a month or two ago and was waitlisted for Zone 1, but the garages were open so I chose that (even though it's like $200 more). I chose the garage that was closest to my dorm. What I was kind of told when I asked around at my orientation was that they don't recommend bringing cars freshman year (pshhh ya right!), but if you do bring one, cars are relatively safer in the parking garages. Also keep in mind that the Zone 1 parking is going to be somewhat restricted/limited due to contruction this year. Oh... and if you don't get a pass, I had a friend who actually found someone on Craig's List last year who was renting out their driveway, so if you're desperate that's always an option.</p>

<p>How did you find out which spots were open???</p>

<p>When I applied for a permit, they made me choose my top 2 choices off of a list and if I remember correctly, they had a little note by all the ones that said 'Waiting List'. So my first choice ended up bein Tyndall Parking Garage and my second choice was Zone 1 which had a waiting list.</p>

<p>Thanks for the info and heads up! Yes I agree with you, I NEEDSSSS MY CAR!!! lol I also heard that the cars are safer in the garages as well, so I was assinged to Highland Garage! I was SO worried because I signed up so late, and I thought I wasn't going to get an assingment. I really wanted a garage and I am happy that I got one.</p>

<p>Now if I can only find out where I am staying dorm wise....sheessh....I can't believe I can't find out until August...oh well,,,,</p>