Parking Permits?

<p>Anyone know when you can buy parking permits online? The site now says they're available, but there's no way for you to purchase it online.</p>

<p>The link to the student parking permit page isn’t even working for me :-/</p>

<p>it says parking permits are not available yet</p>

<p>[Rutgers</a> – New Brunswick/Piscataway Department of Transportation Services](<a href=“]Rutgers”>Parking & Transportation Services | Institutional Planning and Operations)</p>

<p>I know! It’s totally weird. First it said “parking permits are not available for the 2009/2010 school year,” then last night that changed to “parking permits for the 2008/2009 school year are currently available.” Why would they put up that permits are available for LAST year? Then when you go to the parking/transit home page it says they are still not available for 09/10. Frustrating. . .</p>

