<p>i know freshmen and sophomore students living on campus are not permitted to get a parking spot. i also know that it's limited for juniors and seniors to park on campus also.</p>
<p>anyways, i'm coming from pretty far away and i'll be an incoming sophomore. i'll need to bring my car to campus and leave it here, so does anybody know any other options?</p>
<p>1) For some garages you can buy a monthly pass (worst option)
2) Go to the housing dpt's website and find some people who are offering a parking space, whether it's behind a house, in a garage, whatever for a certain price
3) N. Campus, for $100, offers parking in their lots</p>
<p>For the cheapest I'd go with #3, and if you live in N. Campus it will be really cool, however if you're on central you would have to take a bus ride up...which isn't all that bad</p>
<h1>1 is the worst, #2 is okay if you can find someone who is willing to sell a spot cheap</h1>
<p>There's plenty of street parking in the residential areas south of campus. Most of the street parking stuff real close to campus has a "no parking from 3AM-6AM" restriction. Apparently this is laxly enforced, but I believe enough that you wouldn't want to do it for a whole semester. There are lots of spots open in the area bounded by State, Packard, and Stadium, and you can take one of the blue commuter buses from pretty much any dorm to State and Hoover.</p>
<p>Your other option is to find a friend with a house, and see if they have any available parking.</p>
<p>Consider whether you really need a car in Ann Arbor.</p>
<p>In addition to gas, insurance, maintenance, depreciation, and parking costs, you will need to drive it every now and then to recharge the battery - especially in the winter.</p>
<p>Unless you really need a car, you may be better off, shipping your belongings to Ann Arbor via UPS and flying there. You will have one less thing to worry about.</p>
<p>I just got that info from my friend who lived up in N. Campus last year and paid $100 for his spot...he said he could do the same again even though he is living on the hill...</p>
<p>If you're living in the residence halls, you can enter a lottery for parking spaces on North Campus, near Oxford and Fletcher. They give priority to students who live in those halls. Also, if you live in Northwood III, there's a parking lottery for spaces there - but they have quite a few spaces so there's a better chance of getting a space. Juniors and seniors can apply for Orange parking -- which is pretty far from Central Campus, but accessible by bus. Otherwise, you've got to find street parking or rent a spot which is expensive.</p>
<p>I just got this email saying that I can apply for a parking spot as a freshman. I'm assigned to Baits I, should I bring a car? I hear that you really don't need it but how long is the average bus wait time, especially in the winter? I know I can save at least $1500 a year on insurance alone if I don't bring a car. But this seems to be a pretty good opportunity to get a parking spot. I'm tempted...</p>