<p>Does anyone here work a part-time job? Considering a great number of HSLers are in quite a few AP classes, I'm wondering how that works out for you all.</p>
<p>It's senior year, and I've been accepted into college. I'm considering seeking employment somewhere, but I'm just slightly worried about my grades dropping. Obviously it's not a huge deal because I've already been accepted, but I don't want to do too poorly in my classes (I'm taking 5 APs, 2 of which are quite rigorous--the others aren't too terrible).</p>
<p>Unfortunately, my computer is broken, and the warranty has expired, so I'd have to likely pay upwards of $500 for this repair. I do have the money (and my parents might even pay some, if not all), but there goes some of my contribution to tuition. I'd like to try being responsible and pick up a job.</p>
<p>Anyway, does anyone have advice on working during the school year?</p>