Party Life at GW?

I was just wondering what the party scene is like at GW, if it’s big to party, which dorms have the most parties, the status of greek life, etc. I really wanna live on the Mount Vernon campus this fall due to it being more of a traditional college campus as opposed to Foggy Bottom, but I was just worried that I would never have any fun or go to any parties. Any advice?

In my experience as a Vern resident (and hasn’t changed much from what I’ve been told) there are still parties on the Vern, but they’re not as common as on Foggy Bottom. I was in one of the smaller dorms and among the 30 or so of us, we didn’t have too many parties. Somers or West might have more as they’ve got significantly more students in them but I’m not sure. A couple of my friends on the Vern that had a greater desire to party usually went to Foggy Bottom on Thur/Fri/Sat nights. Thurston was typically the dorm with the party rep, but with it closing this year I don’t know where the parties will be (though I’d probably think Madison since it has quads and a few 6-person rooms). It’s not uncommon for Vern students to party on Foggy then take the shuttle back, especially since it runs all night. Just don’t puke on the bus, lol. The alternative is make a close friend on Foggy that might let you crash in their dorm after a party.

I lived on the Vern freshman year and don’t feel like I missed out on any partying scene when I wanted it. There are parties on the vern but they’re way less common since more people live on foggy. I would either just take one of the late shuttles back to my room or crash at my friend or boyfriends room, almost always in Thurston. Party scene here is ok, its mostly pregaming in someone’s room then going out to a club, bar, or other event. Frats have parties fairly frequently but for a lot of them you have to be on a list, and it’s harder to get in if you’re a guy - all the houses are small townhouses. When you’re able to go they’re generally fun. And a lot of student orgs have parties where they’re able to get bigger spaces or use housing of students who live in apartments off campus. But yeah, Thurston is the center of frehsman life, after that there’s a lot in Shenkman Hall, mainly because the rooms are bigger and there’s a ton of students who live there. Kinda depends who you know and where they live. Out in the city has pretty good nightlife if you have a fake or you’re older, so a lot of people use that as their party scene