Partying Smart and Ratio… First year mess-ups

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. After my first year of college I realized that I had to learn a lot of things for myself… there are things your parents won’t say to you and there is more the schools can’t say. Some of the these things I wish I did not have to find out the hard way so here are some simple things to keep in mind.
. First off you must understand that you are no longer a minor (yes there are some Freshmen that are 17, I was one of them) so you must make smart decisions or else you can end up spending the night in jail. (no, I never got arrested)…. Second you must come to terms that the college life entails going out and partying… to many partying may sound like a “bad” thing… but that is if you are partying for the wrong reasons and being dumb about it…
. Which brings me to the most important point… there are people who come to college and think that just because they go to parties they are cool. Hence they go out because they want to feel cool and also look like they are cool. No one cares, THE ONLY WAY YOU WILL IMPRESS PEOPLE IS BY NOT TRYING. If it is your first week, go out to know people; if it is after your exam go out to celebrate; if it is after your exam go out to forget it (it depends you see). You must have a reason you are partying and I have heard dumb reasons like “I am high on life” or “I am celebrating my first year.” If you overdo it you will not be celebrating your second year. REMAMBER School comes first and trust me you will be happier when you have a 3.8 GPA.
. How often you go out… depends on you. It is about balance… school comes first and if you are getting ALL your homework done, go out and have fun! Otherwise it will pile up until you are buried alive (the worst thing you can do is dig a hole). And if you are over whelmed put off a class so that you have room to “find yourself” (I know it sounds cliché but seriously… it is very important).
. Drinking? Well that is up to you… I am not your parent. But if you have never had alc before, I think it is common sense to be around people you trust… let’s just say I have seen people pass their limit and have their face turned in to a painting. So know your limit!
Noting like fresh prey!
. Guys- if you are going out at night (if you are going to be at RUNB its going to be college ave)… you will need to go out in groups. Long story short, one of my best friends got attacked with a hammer while he was walking around a dangerous neighborhood looking for a party alone (no, this does not happen all the time). If you think this is only RU try walking alone around alone at any college town at night and see what happens.
. Girls- you need to go out in groups more than anything. First off you will have to get to the party… which means you are a Girl or three alone on a street. Yes there are cops but you want someone you know around you. After you get into the party which is easy for you simply because you are a girl, you must have friends that will push away creepy men who want to dance with you. If some loser tries to force you into grinding, start grinding with one of your friends. Even though that may seem like the most threating thing, being drugged is a very serious one. If you are going to drink you must test if you have roofies in your drink. If you are feeling dizzy, you are being drugged. This is why it is very very important for you to have a friend with you! And if she is being drugged get out of the party… this has happened to three people I know… (Funny thing was one of them was a dud. Yes, dark humor).
. DRUGS, you are not a kid so I don’t need to say much… if you absolutely must, be careful where you buy. You can get hustled or poisoned (no I don’t have a personal story).
. Ratio… ahh, ratio, the greatest challenge to duds coming in and the greatest power given to the ladies. So if you don’t know what this is look it up! JK… basically it means there is a ratio of girls to duds that you need to have to get into a party. Many are 3 girls to 1 guy so that is not that bad (don’t get me wrong I hate it but it could be worse). If you are a dud you must work quickly to find a group of girls that will always go out with you. The sooner you start, the more you monopolize. Don’t be an A hole and say do you want to be my ratio… that means you have no game and you are asking for something you don’t deserve (harsh but true). Trust me when I say it is better if you go out with girls that feel comfortable around you… if you know what I mean. And girls, please don’t go out with a dud that has a ratio of 8, he will leave you behind at a party. It’s kind of a double standard but hey this is how it works… duds get as many girls and girls go out with your friends with one dud (depending on your ratios). You’re smart enough to get in to college, you will figure it out.
. GPA- there is nothing, and I mean not even your life, that is more important than getting an A in freshman fluf classes. This is the only time in college you will be taking BS classes even in Hnrs. This should be your GPA booster year so that you are able to have a social life when things get hard. The No1 thing that students complain about their later years is messing up their first two GPAs. I would say 9 out if 10 people don’t understand how important their 1st year GPA is.
If you have any questions ask and if you have any suggestions… you know what to do.
Don’t mess up and don’t lie to a cop!
P.S you don’t have to let your RA into your room, they need your permission to get in…</p>