payment question

<p>I made a payment to ucsc using sailee payment method on sept 10, and just noticed that ucsc barely charged the payment today, but the money was not withdrawn from my checking account. SHould I expect the same kind of delay for it to be taken out of my account?</p>

<p>theres nothing for you to worry about. it took a couple of days to a week for the money to be taken out of my account. you paid to sallie e-pay before the due date and thats all that matters.</p>

<p>I have a similar concern… that probably can’t be answered here, but I’ll post about it anyway.</p>

<p>I bought my books from the bookstore (because it was only $10 more than Amazon) about two weeks ago but they barely charged my account last night, and when I checked my balance again this morning the money was back in my account again. Has that happened to anyone else?</p>