PDA - Useful or Worthless?

<p>It seems useful, but since I don't own one, nor do I know anybody who owns one, I don't know. </p>

<p>Any input?</p>

<p>it depends on what kind of person you are.</p>

<p>for me,it's worthless.</p>

<p>It seems useful to you?really?why?</p>

<p>If this is an attempt to get me to answer my own question, I damn you. lol</p>

<p>You can organize everything, use Word, Excel, Powerpoint, search the internet, hold songs/movies, etc.</p>

<p>I just don't know if it's so much better than my iPod and a flash drive.</p>

<p>Computer seems to be enough?</p>

<p>I had a PDA and used it for about a year before I came to realize that I liked the old fashion planners and a laptop much more than the PDA.</p>

<p>Agreed, I don't think a PDA is useful at all.
I bought a planner and everything but never ended up using it, instead opting to remember things (though this does not work for everyone). Also, for excel/word/etc. using a computer is just much much better, easier, convenient, etc.</p>

<p>someone gave me an old (but new) PDA. Yeah never used it. BUt it doesn't have much features and I never use schedules.</p>

<p>If you're going to invest in that might as well get a treo blackberry iphone type of thing</p>

<p>I use an agenda and my head.</p>

<p>You don't need a PDA unless your schedule is full 7AM-9PM.</p>

<p>like someone said get a blackberry or windows mobile phone. Atleast if you never use the PDA function you will have to use it to call people.</p>

<p>well depending on who you are. Some people like the microsoft outlook organizer in some pda's. It reminds you what's coming up and stuff, kind of handy to remind people's birthdays. The wi-fi ones can let you check someone online quickly at public places. say, I am hanging out with friends at a restaurant and we want to go to a club, I can go online and search what clubs are around in the area instead of looking for internet or calling someone.</p>

<p>You don't need to make out in public.</p>

<p>PumaFoot - let me be the first to actually AGREE with you. I have a wonderful PDA that's got all the bells and whistles. I actually begged my hubby to give it to me for Christmas ;) I don't leave home without it. I use it to track my daily budget, accounts, predict grades, as a calendar and address book, an IM client, entertainment system (there are so many great games for Pocket pc), guitar tuner, conversion system, voice recorder. All without having to take extra notepads and books and etc. It's my best friend ;-)</p>

<p>I'm perfectly happy with my daily planner...I don't leave home without it! Also, no chance of it getting a virus or crashing....</p>