<p>I need a way to have all my due dates, appointents, and work schedule all in one easily accesible place. I'm not worried about being connected to the internet or anything like that. I just need a basic PDA (or something that you think would suit my needs) that is small-ish and easy to use (and hopefully not too expensive). Any recommendations?</p>
<p>I would suggest a pda phone as opposed to a PDA, you can get all you want in one device with a built in cellular radio, a blackberry or palm treo would be fine.</p>
<p>^ i think those only come with data plans though, which'll end up being more expensive. it'll be more expensive anyway since a pda phone will come with a monthly plan and a pda doesn't...and all that money just saves you some space in your purse. not really worth it.</p>
<p>I know people that have gotten treo's and blackberry's without data plans...
Personally, I have a treo and I love it. I cancelled my data plan as it was pointless when I have my laptop and access to the internet most of the time. I put all of my appointments, the day's/times I work, and any other memos into my treo. It's a great way to stay organized.</p>
<p>If you want something simple and easy to use, then take a look at the Palm Z22. It's only $99, and has probably everything that you might need and more. </p>
<p>Z22 is a nice PDA...but they come with 90 day warranties. Mine died in less than a year (wouldn't take a charge). Not recommended.</p>
<p>Why not just have the old-fashion planner? too bulky?</p>
<p>small notebook/moleskine > PDA. I've used both extensively and crossing out a task in your notebook is much more satisfying that tapping a little check box on a PDA.</p>
<p>Yeah the old fashioned planner is just too bulky and I tend to have to change dates around and it just ends up looking messy and being disorganized. My other problem is that I'm kinda bad about remembering to carry a datebook and a pen, so when I need to write something I'm always missing one or the other. I just think that a PDA or a smart phone would be a lot easier to use.</p>