<p>Does what PE class I take matter to different colleges???? At my school (a performing arts school) they offer ballet, tap, jazz, ballroom (1-3), tae kwon do, tennis, yoga, & kickboxing. Does my choice matter??</p>
<p>No, not at all. Take whatever you like the best.</p>
<p>Thanks!! But are you sure it’s not like the foreign language thingy?? If I take tae kwon do I can get a black belt in three years… And that’s good on a college application. Also, if I bounce around switching every year, does that show that I can’t stick to my choices?</p>
<p>Of course, it’s always better for your apps to be consistent than to spread yourself too thin, but at this point in the decision just pick something you like and stick with it. They won’t really have a preference for one of those over the others outright, just as long as you show dedication. They like to see someone who’s really into something unique. If there’s any advantage of one at all, I think you’re right in that tae kwon do requires a lot of seriousness and focus, so that could possibly be more impressive–but only slightly.</p>