Pearson or Mahoney?

<p>Any thoughts on the difference, if any, between the two? </p>

<p>On the website for Pearson it looks like there is more going on. Is that true or is it just that Mahoney doesn't post their activites?</p>


<p>Well heres the thing:</p>

<p>Mahoney and Pearson, are located at the far end of campus. They are right next to Ponce De Leon Ave. and US-1. This may be great if u want to leave campus often and hop onto the monorail to go shopping or w.e. However its not in the prettiest area of campus and is not in the center of everything: Not that close to campus activities such as the Univ. Center and the wellness center gym, Richter Library and if u have engineering major, expect a long walk under the August heat :D So in other words, its good if u want to leave campus often to go eating and shopping and is conveniently located as such next to the metrorail. Also if ur a Junior or Senior, this place has a lot of upperclassmen. In that case id pick University Village instead of Pearson :P</p>

<p>Stanford and Hecht is actually quite nice. Located in one of the prettier areas of campus. right next to the lake where the gators sunbathe :D.
Its quite nice to walk to classes everyday next to the lake. Its located next to wellness center and most major facilities of interest on campus. if ur an architecture or music major, this is the place to be as its a 1 min walk :D</p>

<p>Out of all Univ Village is the best. I would go there but i cant cause im gonna be a freshman this year so Ill settle for Stanford and the lake full of gators :D</p>

<p>Well, S was already in Stanford, so he's thinking about doing something different next year as a sophmore. However, as a sophmore he is not eligible for University Village yet.</p>

<p>Lily-I think members of the football team live in Mahoney. Hopefully, 1tcm will check in, I think her S has lived in a few different buildings.</p>

<p>You rang? </p>

<p>Son lived in Stanford, 9th floor first year. Typical freshman experience. Small rooms, hall bath... but...he liked it there. Met a lot of great friends and said he would recommend it highly for a freshman.</p>

<p>Then he moved to Mahoney. LOVED IT! Suite, 2 to a room sharing a bath with another room. Of course, he also worked for Mahoney, during the school year and as a conference host during summer, so it was very convenient. He did two years in the suite (same one..same roommates) and lived in a single this past semester before graduation. Of course, being part of the housing staff was the way he got the single, so for the avg. student singles are rare. </p>

<p>He did live in Eaton on summer...and he said he really didn't see much difference room wise between eaton and m/p. Supposedly eaton has bigger rooms...but he didn't see it. Eaton is though...the most centrally located. </p>

<p>Mahoney/Pearson are basically the same. Each is fiercely loyal and each building thinks they are the best... Mahoney does do a lot of things, they just don't update their web-site much. </p>

<p>I'd say... for a freshman, you can't go wrong in the towers. Mahoney does have quite a few of the athletes (as a matter of fact... a great deal of them were on S's girlfiends floor where she was an RA). But if you choose M or P I'm sure you'll enjoy those too. The towers just have a much more "open-door" policy where meeting friends is much easier....</p>

<p>I think the dining hall by M/P has a better reputation than the one in the towers.</p>

<p>M/P has a better dining hall...... </p>

<p>Umm Acarta, not to be rude but you're pretty opinionated for someone who hasn't lived on campus yet! </p>

<p>The area by M/P is really pretty, perhaps even more so than the towers! M/P is also CLOSER to classes (including the science buildings) than the towers..... M/P has a BIG parking garage and it's really easy to find parking there (expect to look for parking up to 30min on some days at the Towers).... In M/P you don't have one floor bathroom.... Some floors in Mahoney have KITCHENS, and there are LAUNDRY areas on some floors of Mahoney (I think the 2nd/3rd has laundry rooms and the 5th/6th have kitchens).... </p>

<p>If you're not a freshman, then the Towers really suck............. unless you're an R.A. in Hecht. </p>

<p>In University village you deal with a lot of PROBLEMS! The new apartments are only half done, with the dry wall not even being done in some of the apartments that students are expected to live. They have bug problems in the older apartments...... and well, the apartments just aren't all they are cracked up to be....</p>

<p>FYI, I'm living in Mahoney next semester.</p>

<p>lady....any reason you picked Mahoney over Pearson?</p>

<p>Thought I might help Ladyconfused out here a little bit....</p>

<p>If those of you new to UM have a tremendous amount of questions regarding housing, hurricanes, move-in, and such, you might try to search for previous threads which have been discussed in great length before. Especially helpful for the parents that are here....</p>

<p>Ladyconfused is obviously going to be the expert on academic material.... :)</p>

<p>Thanks 1tcm...... </p>

<p>LilyMoon- I only picked Mahoney over Pearson because of personal preference.... they are both pretty much the same except I've heard that Pearson has kitchenettes instead of full fledged kitchens</p>