Peddie vs Kent

Hi! I know these two schools are pretty distinct, but we happen to really like both of them! Are there students or families from either school and can you share your experience/thoughts? Thanks!

Peddie family here! We absolutely love the school. Pls feel free to message with specific questions. It has truly become a home away from home.


Kent family here! Would love to answer any questions you have. We have enjoyed a fantastic experience and are happy to share.

hi! Thanks for replying to my thread! I have to admit that you’re the first Kent family that responded and I was starting to wonder if the lack of response shows lack of enthusiasm for the school.

My DD is accepted to class of 2026 and we’re super happy about it! Kent was always high on her list but as parents we want to do a through due diligence. My DD is a bit more stem oriented, likes math, science, and history, and not a strong english writer (although that’s one thing I hope she develops in BS with support). My main question is, do you think Kent is “academic” enough? And is the school really formal? It’s one of the few schools that has a pretty strict dress code. Does it make the school feel a bit old-fashioned and impersonal? Is the school super strict and intolerant of minor infractions? I’m asking because my DD is relatively young (13) and not exactly mature or responsible yet compared to her peers. She’s also a swimmer and is swimming one of those forgotten sports at Kent? Also, what kind of student body is there at Kent? Is it somewhat diverse and down to earth?

I’m sorry for having so many questions – it’s just so hard to get a feel from one visit and a couple of conversations with the admissions office. We are going back for the revisit day too.

Thank you for your kind response.


There are a lot of awesome schools that don’t have as many “followers” here. Don’t think anything of it. Both are well loved even if not talked about on CC.


Peddie does a good job there. The 9th grade English/History combo (Humanities) really focuses on teaching them how to construct a paper. On the years that follow, they continue building on that foundation. The Writing Center is open 3 nights a week and students definitely make good use of it. Even the strongest writers go sometimes when they feel stuck or are not sure where to take their narrative. Creative writing is one thing, but I think it is almost impossible to leave Peddie without knowing how to write a proper analytical.


Hi there! I would be happy to answer all of your questions about Kent. We absolutely love it - the school has been a wonderful fit for our family. I will PM you so I can give you more detailed info. about each of the questions you asked.

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Chiming in here too as I saw you have a swimmer. If you have any Peddie swim questions, you’ve got the right tag team on this post. @TonyGrace and I can talk Peddie swim all day long!

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Truer words have never been spoken :rofl:

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Families seem to love both these schools, so it is really about what feels better to you. There are probably a couple of ways someone could have a really strong preference one way or the other (swimmer, equestrian…) but otherwise it may be more about feel.

Peddie has always felt a little more “down to earth” to me and Kent a bit more “elite” - not that one is better, just a bit of the vibe. Revisits might be very telling - you may or may not feel the same way but one is likely to connect a bit better.

Both are great options so you can’t make a bad decision!


Yeah, parents here really love both schools! So i’m torn …

The aquatic facility at Peddie truly is amazing … it rivals a college’s! On the other hand, Kent campus is so beautiful and I want to spend 4 years there myself! :sweat_smile:

As to your description of how the schools feel, actually we felt that both are pretty down to earth. If I had to pinpoint, Peddie feels a bit more relaxed and modern, and Kent feels a bit more traditional and formal. Totally not a question of which is better, just different vibes. I can’t wait for the revisit days for both schools and see what my DD thinks.

Thanks everyone who have responded to me both here and via PMs!

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That’s so cool I’ll PM you guys

Kent family here - LOVE Kent! Freshman year, not a factory of exam driven teachers, and sports are available to learn and great teams to support winning. Our daughter could not be happier, her choice over 2 other top CT boarding schools. We wanted to go with the name, she wanted to go with the people - and she was right. Such a critical time in their lives to embrace strong ethics, hard work and good people and Kent has it all. She is challenged academically but also feels accomplished which gives her confidence to do and try more. Could not ask for anything more.


Can you share which other ones you were deciding between?

Same. It made for a very long month… but 4 years in, no regrets.


Sure, Hotchkiss & Loomis the farm at Hotchkiss almost pulled her in…all amazing schools but Kent has been so great for her. They love walking into town, feels like story-book for them to have such a great community walkable to the school.


Sometimes a school just “feels” right, doesn’t it? My DD was simply mesmerized when she visited Kent. She is also really into the “service” leadership concept.


I agree! My daughter is also into leadership and community service and really enjoys the programs and the vibe that flows around this at Kent. She said it does not feel fake or forced, more of you-do-you and if that’s what you want we can give you depth. Best of luck with your selection, you can’t make a poor choice they are both great schools!


We also have a happy sophomore at Kent. Happy to answer any questions. My daughter is pretty academic and has found the classes the right mix of challenging without being unfair, if that makes sense. The town is a great perk-she loves walking in for an ice tea or lunch multiple times a week. The dress code kind of separates the academic day from the rest of the day. She kind of enjoys dressing up. The new admin is great and responsive. Happy to answer any additional questions over PM.


Happy to answer some questions as a Kent alum ('82) and parent ('17). I also have two kids who went to Hotchkiss, and nephews who went to Taft and Westminster. I know little about Peddie, but I believe that both Kent and Peddie have classes that will challenge kids at the highest academic level and academically oriented kids do well with college matriculations at both schools. As for stem, Kent is strong and has a pre-engineering program and a separate facility (in town) for that. My son evolved into a stem-oriented kid and ended up as a chemical engineer. If swimming is an important focus, Peddie has a stronger team, but it might be easier to be a leader on the team at Kent. Broadly speaking, Kent’s athletics are very strong in an already competitive league. This year they won championships in hockey and squash. Crew is always among the strongest. For the less athletic, there are plenty of fun less competitive options. For better or worse, the decision may boil down to the vibe on revisit day. The good news is that there isn’t really a bad decision to be made. Your kid will likely find her people at either school.