Pell grants--first generation?

<p>I've always understood that Pell grants are for students who are first generation to go to college. Does that mean that BOTH their parents must not have completed college? If one parent has a college degree, does that mean they are not eligible for a Pell grant?</p>

<p>Pell grant eligibility has absolutely nothing to do with first generation. It is purely based on the students EFC (needed to be uder 4042 last year).</p>

<p>Is there some other grant then, that is given only to first generation college attenders? I swear I remember something like this. And if this is not the case, why does the FAFSA ask how much school one’s parents have completed? (As well as lots of college applications). Someone doing research with all that info?</p>

<p>As far as I know there are no federal grants specifically for first generation college students. I don’t know why they ask for the information.</p>

<p>Florida has a state program for first generation students. Info attached:</p>

<p>[Florida</a> Student Scholarship and Grant Programs](<a href=“]Florida”></p>

<p>That question is asked for various reasons: Some states have programs for first gen, some schools may use that info for scholarships, and it may be used for statistical purposes.</p>