Penn Sat II Help

<p>Hey everyone I took Math 1 and 2 back in Junior year and I plan to do early decision into either Penn or Cornell. However, I don't know if they will
1)Accept Math 1 and 2 as my 2 subject tests
2)If they will accept Nov Sat or SAT II's
3)If they will accept ACT's later than October
4)If I will be seen in a worse light because I send in my SAT II score late because it will be in November.</p>

<p>EDIT:I am coming in undecided so which school will I be enrolling in?</p>

<p>Yes (it would be better to take a non math test though). Yes. No. No.</p>

<p>Depends what you wanna do. If you have no clue at all then you should probably apply to the College of Arts and Sciences.</p>

<p>CAS = Liberal Arts
How come a lot of people say that Liberal Arts is good for the undecided?</p>

<p>Which SAT II should I take?
I have a month to prepareā€¦
I was thinking