Penn State Class of 2027 Official Thread

Who typically receives the provost award? Is it strictly based on academics?

What is DE? Our school doesn’t offer much in the way of AP. My son only has 3 AP classes. 4 college classes and the rest honors with a 99 weighted average and a 98.3ish unweighted but did not submit scores because they were only 1330. Strong math but weak English. Tons of business classes with very high marks. Treasurer of FBLA, two varsity sports, captain of football, foreign language seal of literacy, internship, part time job, community service, helped to found a club etc
 and we still haven’t heard. I’m so nervous because we thought with his stats he’d be in even without his SATs but apparently not the case. Hope we hear soon. Very nervous. It’s his first choice.

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@Apaus there are online calculators that re-calculate what it might be. If he applied EA, I would call tomorrow and talk to Admissions and confirm that his application was considered EA and what an expected decision date might be.

But as for weighted GPAs - every HS is different. That’s one of the reasons that Penn State uses the SRAR - you input the raw data and they can they apply any information they want to. I wouldn’t be surprised if they apply their own “weighting”. We’ve seen kids with 4.0 gpa not get into UP - turns out they didn’t take any APs or Honors courses from a not strong high school. (DE is dual enrollment for some HS that don’t have many AP offerings).

@Momclassof27 I don’t know about the common app, but I know on the Penn State application, it is very clear that it is required to submit the SRAR. It says multiple different times - including at the end - basically “your application is not complete until the SRAR is submitted”. I remember sitting down with my kid so I could look over his shoulder and proof it to ensure he entered it correctly. This is where good co-ordination with guidance is critical. They probably know that he needed to submit a SRAR and they aren’t sending a transcript to Penn State. Unfortunately, submitting an application on October 31st didn’t allow for wiggle room or time to iron out those details. I hope you hear something soon!

@Jesam glad to hear that he is feeling better about summer start! He will find it is actually an advantage when it is said and done.

Probably the most common Pride that pre-business majors start with is “business problem solving” - it is a required class (MIS) and English 15 or CAS 100 (required also). The other pride he could consider is Microeconomics (paired with English, I think). Micro (Econ 102) is an entrance-to-major class that is required for freshman/sophomores to take to be able to apply for their major. It is one of the tougher weed-out courses (many kids have no background in Micro and less intuitive than Macro) - so it might be nice to take it in a less-pressure, smaller class size situation.

My son did apply EA and did complete and submit his SRAR on Oct 31st. I’ll have him call admissions if he wants otherwise I guess we’ll wait for a decision.

@Apaus ach. Sorry I confused you with another poster. Too many travels = tired person.

I would definitely call! Wish we had known to have you call before admissions closed on the 23rd. Better to know than constantly guess.

DE is dual enrollment. (College classes given in high school and can be used for college credit.) My son submitted a 32 ACT. As far as gpa
 as a few other ppl have also referenced , all schools are different and most gpas are recalculated. Your sons stats are similar to my sons but again , I think they look at what’s available to take at your particular high school (and what you have taken) All high schools are different in what they offer and it wouldn’t be fair to compare to one school to another since AP, DE and honors class offerings vary by school. Anyway
 I would call the school and verify application made EA and when you may hear a decision. Best of luck!!


I am going to assume now that Admissions is back in the office the notifications will resume.


Yes they are back. We communicated with them today.

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DD applied early application in November to LAS. Still not heard anything. Wish they wouldn’t say you will hear by a certain date if that’s not realistic.

What date was her application complete? Many people who are still waiting are actually not in the EA pool because some part of their application was received after Nov 1.


Good to know. Will check if application was considered completed by 11/01.

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Yes, this is what happened with my son. He submitted his application on 11/1 and checked EA, but did not complete the SRAR, and the SAT scores were not received, until a few days later. This bumped us into the regular decision pool, which I did not realize until I contacted admissions on 12/23. We got our RD decision yesterday so they are back at it and told us these decisions will all be released by 1/31. Good luck to you!


@jlhpsu in reddit I saw someone was invited to honor college but didn’t get in to UP, how was that possible, have you heard something like this?

That’s not credible. They likely received an email for an optional honors college interview - as all who applied to Schreyer did.

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I see, that is more likely

Some of the commonwealth campuses have their own honors programs. It is also possible to be in Schreyer at a commonwealth campus. See link below regarding Penn State Harrisburg.


That makes sense. If they didn’t get into UP, but were offered another campus and honors. Based on prior years, the UP Schreyer decision date will be announced and we will all learn on the same date. Traditionally, this was at the end of Feb or beginning of March.

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Schreyer has not released any decisions yet.

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You’ve gotten a lot of responses to this so I won’t add much to it as they are all correct - but Schreyer hasn’t released decisions yet at least not at UP and I didn’t think at the commonwealth campuses either. They are released in March.

Much more likely is they received the invite to apply and that is all and were mistaken. That’s the best case scenario. Worst case is they are just ■■■■■■■■ to start trouble. As well all know, you can’t believe everything you read on the internet
Even here! We’ve seen some doozies over the years and people can’t believe it’s real (for example a very low GPA acceptance) and then it comes out that it was not, in fact, real.

Take it all with a grain of salt!