Penn State Class of 2027 Official Thread

@ILPanda @Apaus @wood603 @Yumiln

Were you able to touch base with Admissions this week to find out your status? I know you are a few that thought you would be EA but haven’t heard.

Was everything marked complete by the deadline or was there something outstanding that pushed it to the 1/31 decision date?

So my sons TO disappeared and I went into LionsPath and the only thing under details is a letter saying

Thank you for applying to Penn State Smeal College of Business …etc Your Penn State ID number is xxxxxxxxx. Etc we will soon be in contact regarding the next steps in the admission process. Please monitor your email ……etc
Did anyone else get this and what does this mean any idea ?

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I think the application acknowledgement is always there, even if applicants can’t see it. After our D’s TO button disappeared, it took 2-3 hours for a new letter to appear under the communications tab. That was the one with the decision. You should see it soon!


The decision letter should appear soon and be available in portal after midnight. Good luck!


Did you check under the communications tab? That’s where we saw our acceptance letter in Lionspath.

Where to find if i received provost award or not?

I got admitted on Oct-27, applied on Sept-26.

Son OOS, 3.8UW Honors and APs. Varsity athlete lots of extra curriculars plus community service. Applied EA submitted SRAR after cutoff went into RD pool …just received acceptance and got denied for UP and got Harrisburg. don’t understand the rhythm or reasoning here … one of his classmates who has a lower GPA no ECs and no honors was accepted at UP during EA … did they just run out of space he is disappointed but thankfully not crushed … it wasn’t his first choice …:frowning:

There is definitely a lot of variation depending upon the major picked. Sorry for the disappointment.


What major? I’m sorry to hear that your son did not get his first choice campus. I wonder if PSU has a waitlist for your son’s major at University Park?

Smeal is one of the most competitive schools for admittance to Penn State UP. The valedictorian of my D17’s high school class, with a 1560 SAT, applied rather late to PSU and wasn’t admitted to UP for Smeal. Your son could ask for reconsideration at UP as DUS (undecided) - and summer if he didn’t originally check the summer box.

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Thank you for the advice but like I said he wasn’t crushed and has already been accepted to 2 other schools here in NY which were higher on his list and we are waiting on other results from schools that are also higher on his list …. Just makes no sense but each school I guess makes their decisions in different ways… he will be fine not attending PSU … Good luck to everyone one else :four_leaf_clover:


What major?

Same with my daughter. Her 2 friends with much lower GPA’s, no sports, were admitted into UP. She got Altoona. None submitted scores. :woman_shrugging:

I know makes no sense to me either …

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I was surprised that my son, Intenational was accepted to UP, Smeal for Fall. He has 1390 SAT and 3.7 GPA UW. Reading from this thread, I was very pessimistic at first.

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Congratulations! Which major? Also did you finish all requirements in the EA deadline? For us srar and scores were done 2-days and 1 week later. Nothing so far.

@Calyx910 If he really wants Penn State (and it sounds like he doesn’t), he can call admissions and request a re-evaluation for two reasons:

  1. DUS (undecided). can take all the same courses for business from DUS.
  2. summer. Did he indicate he would attend summer?

it sounds like Penn State isn’t his first choice, so maybe not worth doing?

same major?

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@Andygp I would encourage you to call Admissions and find out status. My guess is that the application was pushed into the Jan. 31 RD pool. Sounds like the application was not complete until after the Nov. 1st deadline?