Penn State Class of 2027 Official Thread

Thank you very much for that insight! I’ve been looking at SUNYs more seriously (University at Buffalo and Binghamton are my top 2), and I’m also considering RIT, Clarkson, and Syracuse as well. In state aid will be better than what most out of state schools will give me, so I’ve kind of accepted that fact that I’ll probably go to an NY school.

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Not sure how RD will compare to ED but your GPA is better than my son who was accepted to engineering for CS, but I don’t know what your ECs look like. I posted his stats earlier in this thread if you are interested.

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Thanks for letting me know this, I’ll try to find your earlier comment! I’ve taken more humanities AP and IB classes (AP Euro, APUSH, IB English and IB Spanish), and I’m taking honors Precalculus (IB Math 1 AA at my high school) and AP Physics 1 this year. Not having Calculus may hurt me a bit for engineering, but I think I should be fine for Penn State.

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On another topic…has anyone’s child asked for reconsideration on major for UP vs alternate campus? And if so, have they received a decision?

@CollegeMom2027 See above … We emailed them to be reconsidered for UP undecided admissions vs an acceptance to Smeal at Harrisburg they wrote us back moved my DS to undecided for UP no alternate campus…said that it could take up to 6 weeks to hear back for a decision


Well don’t worry, as i think your stats are pretty good. You definitely have a good chance.

I had lower SAT score than you but still got accepted way back in Oct in computer Science, i guess that was because of my GPA, essays and EC’s.

Best of luck.


Writing this for next year’s cohort.

Gpa 3.7 uw
5 APs (no calc), 2 H, 1DE
SAT 1360
ECs Volunteering 150 hours, p time job, All State and other awards for his sport, club travel team, team captain, teaching assistant in senior yr
No Summer start due to sport fixtures
Wrote essays
Applied EA from OOS
Rejected from UP 4 business, accepted Harrisburg 2 +2 yrs at UP

We knew he was on the lower end stats wise for Smeal. Unlikely he will choose PSU now.


How do you apply to be reconsidered for UP with a different major? Friends son wants to try.

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You need to email the admissions office with a written request to be reconsidered for UP and/or for a different major. If he was accepted 2 + 2 for EA, they will notify of reconsideration decision by 2/15.

Daughter was accepted pre-medicine major at UP. 4.0GPA, graduating with an AA in General Science (dual enrolled), lots of EC, leadership, sports.


is the 2/15 notification date a confirmed date?

Congrats on getting in for CS! Thanks for the kind comment, I’m looking forward to my decision.


So this is one I haven’t heard. My friends son got put in the waitlist for UP. She read the letter to me and it gave option to accept of deny this. In the letter they said he could also s choose to go with immediate acceptance to a branch.
She’s wondering why he isn’t offered summer start? Or are there caps on the major? (Turf grass science)

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Interesting. Did he switch majors to DUS or was this the first decision he received?

sorry, just saw the turf grass science.

Have you heard anything? Still crickets here…CS as well…College of Eng.

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Penn State does use a waitlist.

If the student applied with summer start and wasn’t given it, then that is likely because they are a borderline applicant for the major they chose.

If he didn’t apply with summer start option, then there’s your answer to that question.

He can call and ask to be reconsidered for a different major as well. Turf grass isn’t a huge major and the other applicants that have already been accepted may have higher stats than this student - so they are waiting to see who commits and then can offer them a spot if space is available.

There are many scenarios possible and no one will know exactly why he was put on the wait list but my guess is the major is filled already with higher stat acceptances and they are waiting to see who commits. Wait list usually means they have the stats to be accepted, but for some reason there isn’t space available. If I were this student and they really wanted to get in, I’d call admissions and change my major, then complete the entry to major requirements and change to Turf Grass after that.

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@jlhpsu Good morning. Do you, or does anyone, know when PSU will start rolling out the Provost awards? The website states it will begin in December but we haven’t seen any reports on here or in other groups of anyone receiving one yet. Would appreciate any insight on the timing. Thanks!

@AAJ724 I was on the phone with someone from Financial Aid this week and they told me they haven’t seen any. They don’t give them out - they come from the academic colleges, but they might see them uploaded to a student’s account.

What major did your kid apply for? (ie. what college?) Do you know if they are competitive?

I would encourage you to call the Dean’s office - or the Admissions/Recruitment for the College applied for and ask the timing. I would think that is your best opportunity for good information.

Journalism major with Bellisario College of Communications. Good to know a bit about how the process goes and that it comes out of the colleges not Financial Aid.