Penn State Class of 2027 Official Thread

Thanks for getting back to me and answering my questions. Congrats to your son on his acceptance and other achievements! Sounds like he is taking the perfect career path!

Is there any option to do an integrated BS/MS degree at Penn State?

If we can’t make an admitted students day for engineering, is anyone aware of people who can answer son’s questions about PSU engineering and what makes it stand out against Purdue, RPI, Drexel and Pitt? I found a list of engineering contacts but I wanted to check here just in case.

Contacts | Penn State Engineering (

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Anyone here have a kiddo admitted for forensic science? Anyone know how many incoming freshmen were accepted into the major?

I was admitted to UP for forensic science, however, I don’t know how many incoming freshmen were accepted into the major.

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Are you going to attend? My daughter is waiting to hear from Syracuse. She loves both programs! She had heard there were only 200 or so kids in the forensic science program at Penn State total.

How does one become a part of LLC ( living learning communities)?

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We are from San Diego - our son is deciding between Penn State & Texas A&M aerospace engineering. Any experiences/thoughts/advice? His older brother is a sophomore at Penn State (business) but that has pros and cons, too. :slight_smile:

Look into the Texas A&M acceptance
Into major process. I recall they over-enroll and intentionally weed out half the incoming “pre-engineer” class to get to their enrollment goal. At Penn State, you are in pre engineering as well, but guaranteed first choice major as long as you meet the requirements (a very reasonable GPA for example), no size restrictions to admit number.

link to application ^

TAMU puts everyone into a general engineering major their 1st year then has them compete for spots in various majors - no one is guaranteed their favorite major and a fair percentage are kicked out of engineering. It’s competitive in addition to selective.
Penn State’s system is selective, too – but not competitive: if you meet the pre-major requirements (a C in core courses and an overall GPA indicating you got more than straight C’s) you are in the major.


We are deciding between Schreyer’s and Rutgers. We are instate for Penn state. We have gotten merit from Rutger’s honors college for computer Engineering.
Rutgers is 90 minutes from home while Penn state is three and a half hour. So it’s a hard decision. Appreciate any inputs!

My understanding is that Schreyer is one of the best and most selective honors college in the country, I am not as familiar with Rugters, but would doubt the are at that level. Also, 3 hours is just far enough to truly be away from home, but not too far you can’t drive it up and back in one day (we did just that for prior kids locations). Others can weigh in I’m sure.

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Would 100% choose Penn State, no question.

Schreyer is one of the top Honors Colleges in the country and is known as such. I would pick Schreyer unless Rutgers is significantly cheaper and, after visiting, your child feels more comfortable there.

100% Penn State. Job placement is just another reason to choose Penn State as well. Congrats to your kid!


Hi all. First time here, PSU alum class of 1992. I was on another board for my son who was just accepted at Andover and Exeter and will probably be here again in the next 4 years. He has PSU as an option for the 6 year premed-med program and the Schreyer’s honors college at PSU. Good luck to all at PSU! We Are

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Hi Rutgers is same cost as Penn state . Only advantage is Rutgers is closer and as a parent like Rutgers location better than PSU.