<p>I have been accepted into the College of Engineering at PSU-UP as an out of state student from Oklahoma. I love the campus, social life, academics, location, and virtually everything else about the campus. My EFC was only 2800, and I only recieved about $10,000 in aid, nowhere near enough to cover the estimated cost of attendance of $31,000. Only $4,900 of that is free money that I wont have to pay back. I have also been accepted into Case Western Reserve University for engineering, which gave me a total aid package of about $41,000, $26,400 of that is scholarships and grants. However, I hear that the social life @ Case sucks, as well as the area, and Penn State seems a lot nicer. Is it worth racking up the loan debt to attend PSU? And how much better is PSU engineering compared to Case engineering? I would appreciate anyones help in the matter.</p>
<p>Wow. That is a huge difference in money. How does it look given that Case's tuition is higher than Penn State? Maybe you could re-visit Case? </p>
<p>Just be really careful how much money you borrow. Figure out how much your monthly payments will be when you get out of school. That's really important. You might be shocked at the amount.</p>