Acceptances for the PennMed summer program came out yesterday. Who else was accepted?
I was rejected
@55al00m Sorry to hear that. What were your credentials? (Or basic overview of your resume)
Have you seen anyone else on college confidential that applied for the pennmed program?
@atr123 Can you post yours for comparison? Also I saw another thread from someone else that applied.
@atr123 -
@carolinagirl922 was also accepted.
yes I was accepted but I’m not sure if my family can afford to send me /: very torn
Can you post your stats @carolinagirl922
stats as in GPA/test scores or what? @55al00m
Resume I guess. The stuff they asked for in the app. GPA, ECs, Awards etc.
Gotcha. GPA weighted is about 4.4, I’m in 3 AP’s and 2 honors this year. My extra curriculars were musical theatre, voice, and I’m in my school’s leadership institute. essay was about being a musical theatre kid my whole life and how scary it was to realize that I wanted to do something else (medicine) with my life. I talked about wanting to go to Penn in order to push myself out of my comfort zone and grow. also had a great teacher rec from my biology teacher @55al00m
Waitlisted here haha. Chances of getting out of waitlist are slim, though. They said it’s on a rolling basis, and it’s according to an accepted student declining their spot. So now, I can only hope haha.