<p>I just auditioned for tisch and i was just wondering… I think my audition went really well, i did my monologues and my auditor did one with me and i spoke well during the interview and he seemed interested, I also knew alot about my studio choice… I keep thinking about it and wondering if this gives me a good chance of getting in or if it was a good audition. For those ACCEPTED do you think there was something in your audition that stood out that you were accepted for… or what was your audition like? thanks!</p>
<p>krisjan09 totally get that you are wondering, my D could not help but do the same thing. Congrats on being well prepared! Tisch’ auditors tend to take a real interest in those auditioning, and really try to get to know you. Chances are if you got a good vibe, you did make a favorable impression. Hopefully this means that you will get that “good news” in the mail. We will keep fingers and toes crossed for you!</p>
<p>Thanks for the response… yah im going crazy april seems SO long away. haha. I do think I got a “good vibe” he seemed interested and impressed at what i knew and things i’ve done. I had a really great feeling that I got in after. It’s just to me I don’t know him or the process so I start to think maybe he’s like that with everyone. He also worked with me on both monologues and said " that was very good" after does that mean anything or is that just a general moving on thing. Thanks!</p>
<p>krisjan09 - no, I don’t think that they will say “that was very good” to everyone, but unfortunately I don’t know how many people they do say that to either, and, as you know, at the end of the day, they can only admit so many. At this point, try to relax and sit back, know that you did the very best you could, and ‘let the cards drop where they may fall’ :).</p>
<p>We will be thinking of you, and keep us posted when you hear!</p>
<p>krisjan, I agree with MTgrlsmom. Think of it this way, if you can go in to your auditions fully prepared, do your very best, and then feel good about how it went, you can’t ask for much more than that, and you should be pleased. This doesn’t guarantee that you’ll get in to every program for which you audition (few do!) but chances are good that you’ll have a few choices come decision time if you’ve compiled a good list of schools that are appropriate for you. In the years I’ve been on CC, almost every year there are kids who are surprised by some rejections when the auditors have been positive about their auditions, and also there are always some who are surprised by receiving an offer of admission when they felt that their auditions didn’t go very well. The moral is that you can’t always tell.
Just do your best then try to relax until April 1st when the letters start coming in. Best of luck.</p>
<p>thanks so much to both… I’ve been trying to relax… hopefully april comes soon. Im hoping to get in … I’ve only applied to 3 other colleges also very difficult which makes me a bit nervous. Im sure everything will work out… definatly will keep everyone updated…:)</p>
<p>hey i was just wondering. I hope this question makes sense… I called and they said they normally accept around 500 people but im wondering do they accept a certain number of people from each group that auditions. I auditioned a day in January so would a certain number of people that were there on my audition day be accepted or just 500 out of all of the 2500 that audition? thanks!</p>
<p>The day you audition has NO basis for acceptance decisions/numbers. They pick who they want out of everyone who applied. That could mean many from one day and few from another. You are not evaluated in terms of who auditioned on the same day but in the entire applicant pool. For that matter, 50% of the admissions decision is academic, not the audition anyway.</p>